Transportation companies are revving up their dealership businesses to capture more market share. As automakers ramp up production of electric vehicles and other new types of cars, more people are buying them from dealerships. Transportation companies figure that by selling new models, dealerships will be able to attract even more customers and generate more sales.
Here are ways on how transportation companies are revving up dealership business.
Ease of Delivery
Although transportation companies are into a wide range of services, the one they offer most frequently is arranging and delivering goods. If a transportation company can do this effectively, it may increase the number of sales generated by a dealership. Also, a transportation company can help a dealership reduce distribution costs, as well as capital investment costs, which may, in turn, give it a competitive advantage.
Inter-Dealership Marketing
Transportation companies can help smooth out sales from one dealership to another by taking care of transportation between them. For example, if a dealership finds excess inventory, it can ship it to another running low on products. The transportation company can also help dealers avoid shipping costs.
Selling Tools and Accessories
Dealerships need to sell new cars and offer services such as repairs and upgrades to gain a greater market share. Their costs must be kept down to make some additional items profitable for the transportation company and the dealership. The transportation company can help a dealership do this by selling tools and accessories in bulk, cutting down on overall costs. This allows dealerships to offer more competitive pricing and attract more customers.
Necessary Hiring
Dealerships need to hire more salespeople to stay ahead of the competition. For transportation companies to help them do so, they have to be able to provide them with required hires. Transportation companies can do this by recruiting better-qualified personnel, helping the recruiters and sales staff find suitable applicants, and facilitating their onboarding into the company.
Improving Productivity
When a transportation company offers dealer-installed services like vehicle maintenance, it can also improve productivity. The transportation company will be able to offer its staff onsite training, as well as rehab and repair facilities. This will allow dealerships to reduce the time needed for vehicle repairs by allowing technicians to work on vehicles in their designated spaces. This will also allow dealerships to be more productive, giving them an edge over competitors.
Shipping Services
A transportation company’s employees can also help a dealership with shipping services. When such a transportation company’s staff are hired, they can be responsible for all the shipping and delivery needs required by the dealership. This will help dealerships eliminate the costs of hiring drivers. Furthermore, vendors and shippers can determine their costs when working with dealerships that use transportation companies. Auto transport companies in Arizona and other cities nationwide are offering shipping services to dealerships at a discounted rate, as they will not have to pay transportation companies’ overhead costs.
Protecting the Brand
For dealerships to succeed, they must protect their brand. A transportation company can help them do this by providing services that will make their customers more satisfied. For example, suppose a transportation company offers a dealership the option of taking care of its customers’ cars while on vacation. In that case, the dealership will likely be able to gain more return business. Therefore, transportation companies can help dealerships protect their brand and increase sales.
Additional Revenue
If a dealership has a transportation company in its employ, then it can also generate additional revenue. The transportation company’s employees can help dealerships with various services such as delivering parts and materials. This will give dealerships access to the necessary parts to fix vehicles. Furthermore, the transportation company’s employees can also help dealerships with advertising and marketing services, thus helping them increase sales without spending additional money on these items.
Overall, transportation companies can offer a variety of services to dealerships. If they do so correctly, the dealerships should see an increase in sales. Dealer-installed services are worth considering for transportation companies as well since they will be able to increase their overall sales. As new automotive models continue to be released, transportation companies will be in an excellent position to offer dealerships more options and opportunities.