How to Make B2B Marketing Content More Engaging

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

B2B organizations are often categorized as technical, anodyne, or even boring by outside observers. After all, it might seem difficult to get people excited about highly-specific products or services. Yet, the reality is that regardless of the industry, quality marketing requires engaging content. And it is possible to write blogs, articles, pillar pages, and ebooks for B2B businesses that resonate with consumers. Here are four tips to do just that:

Define Your Terms

Marketers need to understand their audience in order to connect with them. However, there’s nothing worse than making assumptions about your readers. Just because you’ve written about a complex subject –– like software project governance, for instance –– many times before, it doesn’t mean that your readers are familiar with the term also. As such, any time you introduce a complicated concept or a new product or service, provide a brief explanation of it. You can also use those opportunities to link to other pages on your site that may contain related content. 

Promote It

Marketing content does not exist solely to boost a company’s standing on a search engine. Rather, it should be written to answer customer questions and to address their concerns. Given that fact, it’s imperative to promote your content across social media. Note, B2B  businesses may gain more credibility by posting on professional social media sites like LinkedIn, or on channels or forums specific to their industry. 

Check for Readability

Ideally, B2B content should offer readers useful information about a new product, service, or industry issue. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be so filled with technical jargon and complicated syntax that it no longer makes sense. You can use writing apps to check the readability of your content to ensure that all of your leads will be able to understand it. In general though, keep these tips in mind to boost readability: 

  • Write short sentences.
  • Use bullet points often (exhibit A). 
  • Use active voice. 
  • Eliminate unnecessary adjectives and adverbs. 
  • Repeat important themes and takeaways.


A great content strategy should include more than just blogs! Yes, blogs are still important, but forward-thinking businesses can use so many more media forms to get their message across to interested leads. Email campaigns, podcasts, videos, and even AMAs on social media forums can all be great  ways to supplement your current content strategy.


Whether you’re looking to promote a new line of 1 ml serological pipettes or expand the audience for your chemical plant, creating engaging B2B content requires hard work and patience. But if you stick with it, the returns could be massively beneficial.

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