3 Ways To Give Your Small Business More Credibility Online

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Source: Pexels

With the number of businesses online, it’s vital that you’re able to set yourself apart in a positive way. 

For many small businesses, one of the hardest things is to convince a new customer to trust you and your organization. Especially if they’ve never heard of you before or don’t know of anyone who’s worked with you, it can be hard for a new customer or client to take the plunge and risk giving you their information or paying for your product or service. But luckily, there are things you can do to counterbalance this hesitancy.

To show you how this can be done, here are three ways you can give your small business more credibility online. 

Tout Your Achievements

Wise consumers will always do a little research about a company before they choose to work with them. To make their research a little easier and more obvious, Mike Kappel, a contributor to Forbes.com, recommends that you give some of the space on your website to touting your own achievements as a business. 

Throughout your website, consider including things like notable people or businesses you’ve worked with in the past, any awards you may have won, certifications or qualifications you’ve achieved, and more. By showcasing these things, your visitors will be able to see evidence of your legitimacy and credibility without you having to blatantly spell it out for them. 

Showcase Testimonials And Social Proof

In addition to third-party achievements and awards, another thing you can and should include are testimonials or other social proof. If you’re able to get genuinely positive reviews or comments on your website or social media channels, other visitors and users will see this and feel like they can instinctively trust you. Another way to do that is using Vocal Video where you can get amazing video testimonials from anyone, anywhere.

If you’re not naturally bringing in a lot of testimonials or reviews, Alyssa Gregory, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, shares that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for them from your customers. Usually, the more reviews or testimonials you get, the more others will be willing to provide their own feedback as well.  

Make It Easy To Get In Touch

One thing that can be a big red flag for customers is when they can’t easily get in contact with a company that they don’t already have a rapport with. To keep this red flag from being raised against your business, Prasad Thammineni, a contributor to Small Business Trends, recommends that you highlight your contact information on every page of your website and have a system in place so that you can quickly and easily get in contact with anyone that wants to speak with someone in your business. 

If you want your small business to have more online credibility, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you accomplish this.

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