Dixon and Bergeron Featured

How to Integrate Corporate Strategy throughout Your Organization

Jimmy Dixon and Marc Bergeron, Principals of Oliver Wight, a consultancy firm working with global companies to help drive impactful and sustainable business outcomes joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Jimmy Dixon and Marc Bergeron discuss the following:

  1. What is the difference between having a strategy and operational-izing the strategy?
  2. What are some of the best practices you see utilized to effectively deploy the strategic plan?
  3. How do you target where to play and win for a company?
  4. How do companies get the best return on their portfolio investments?
  5. How do companies determine which growth levers to use in their growth game plan?
  6. Should I profile a business or category using portfolio roles to set growth targets, investments, and return profiles? 

Jimmy Dixon and Marc Bergeron are principals of Oliver Wight, a consultancy firm working with global companies to help drive impactful and sustainable business outcomes. Oliver Wight is the originator of Integrated Business Planning (IBP) and a pioneer in supply chain design, optimization, and performance benchmarking.

Oliver Wright Logo

Website: https://www.oliverwight-americas.com

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