How to Enjoy the Relaxing Retirement You’ve Earned with Jack Phelps, America’s Retirement Coach


Jack Phelps, America’s Retirement Coach, President of The Relaxing Retirement Coach & author of the best-selling book The Relaxing Retirement Formula: For the Confidence to Liberate What You’ve Saved and Start Living the Life You’ve Earned joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Jack Phelps discuss the following:

  1. What are some of the reasons you see for why people choose not to retire, even when they can?
  2. What are the biggest risks to ones’ retirement savings, and how can you prepare for them?
  3. How concerned should retirement-aged people be about rising healthcare costs?
  4. Is having a financial advisor important when you get close to retirement? Why, and how can you ensure the right fit?
  5. What is your number one tip for people nearing retirement age who want to know if they have enough saved?

Summary: When the day comes to make the switch into retirement, many people let fear and doubt hold them back. There are risks to a financially secure retirement (liability, death, healthcare, and long-term care among them), but if you address and prepare for them they don’t have to interfere with the relaxing retirement you earned.

Jack Phelps left a career with a large financial services firm in order to offer independent advice in the best interests of his members rather than his employer. In the twenty-five years since, he’s become an impassioned advocate and guide for people facing the complex transition from a lifetime of working hard and saving smartly to spending and enjoying what they’ve built. A college athlete, Jack knows the profound difference a great coach can make, and combines a coach’s rigor and gift for explanation with years of education and hands-on experience in finance.

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