George Athan

How to Double Sales by Creating a Predictable System for Growth

George Athan

George Athan, CEO of MindStorm Strategic Consulting that helps companies achieve rapid business growth joins Enterprise Radio to discuss how to double sales by creating a predictable system for growth.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest George Athan discuss the following:

  • Your focus is on building companies and I know that you work with businesses of all shapes and sizes. What’s one common problem that you see that holds many companies back from achieving rapid growth?
  • What is a predictable system for growth? Can you give us an example?
  • Do you have a preference when it comes to outbound or inbound lead generation?
  • So you don’t buy into the whole “outbound is too disruptive” idea?
  • Where does someone start in creating this growth machine?

George Athan is one of New York’s top business growth experts. He helps B2B companies achieve rapid growth by creating outbound lead generation systems and structured sales processes to establish a predictable and scalable system for growth.



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