How to Deep Clean Your Home: 6 Easy Steps

No matter how tidy you keep your home every once in a while, it’s going to need a good deep clean. Understandably, the process can seem challenging at first. Where do you begin, and how do you prevent yourself from getting bored? Luckily, there are some tips to make things easier.

Photo by Vecislavas Popa from Pexels

Below, we are going to discuss six easy steps to follow when deep cleaning your home.

Interested in learning more? Then keep on reading.

Declutter before cleaning

Cleaning around unnecessary clutter is going to create more work for yourself. Before you begin, take time to sort through everything and organize your belongings. By getting rid of unwanted rubbish, you can clean more efficiently and be more productive. You might also consider downsizing to live a more minimalist lifestyle. The less you have, the easier it will be to keep things clean in the future.

Gather your supplies

Once you have tidied up, the next step is to gather all the necessary supplies. While you might have most things lying around your home, there are others you might want to pick up from your local store first. Some items you will need include:

– Scrubbing brush

– Mop and bucket

– Broom and dustpan

– Plastic gloves

– Toothbrush (for hard to reach areas)

– Cleaning caddy to carry products

Tackle one room at a time

One of the main reasons people get overwhelmed when cleaning is that they don’t have a plan. Focus on one room at a time, and you’ll be able to see your progress more clearly. Alongside this, you’ll avoid creating more mess in other areas. It might also be worth printing off a checklist so that you can keep track of everything. Trust us when we say you won’t regret it.

Start with dusting first

You might be tempted to start with the easier jobs first, but there is a good reason why you should leave them till last. There’s no point sweeping the floor until you have cleaned everything else. Otherwise, you will only make it dirty again. Dust first and then worry about vacuuming and rug cleaning later. It really will save you from repeating the same jobs over and over.

Get behind hard to reach places

The point of a deep clean is to ensure that there is no dust, dirt, and grime left ANYWHERE in your home. Pull out and rearrange furniture to get underneath and try and think outside the box. Some places you should double-check include:

– Your keyboard and mouse

– Air vents and fans

– Lampshades and curtains

– Refrigerator

You can find more overlooked places here.

Put in place preventative measures

Finally, after all of your hard work, you want to make sure your home stays clean for as long as possible. Think about organizing your belongings better, making an area outside for storing shoes/wet weather gear, and creating daily chores for your family members. By working together, you can create a beautiful and healthy home.

Good luck!

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