How to Bust That Car Insurance Jargon

On the one hand, Jargon shortens and simplifies lengthy phrases that we use on a day-to-day basis to make communicating sweeter and much shorter. While on the other hand, using jargon when talking about cars can become confusing and often overcomplicates the simplest of things. There’s no need for you to panic for there is a way of busting those jargons before they get out of hand. Or, consider working with Freeway Insurance who avoids the complicated jargon and simply gives you affordable car insurance.

Black Box 

Newly insured drivers are told that, in return for a cheaper insurance deal, a black box can be fitted to their car. This device is installed to your car and measures things like acceleration, braking and corner movement and some black boxes even act as a security tracker. Nonetheless, the purpose of a black box is to offer rewards to motorists with good driving habits and to discourage reckless driving on the roads. 


Car insurance companies tend to use credit brokers to sell their services to car buyers. A broke will note your details down and get in touch with several different insurers in hope to get you the best deal, and some credit brokers will offer you help should you need to claim on your insurance. 

Courtesy Car 

Though not always, a courtesy car can be added within a comprehensive policy. Compare car insurance companies, in the event of an accident, this would allow you to borrow another vehicle throughout the time it takes for yours to be repaired and back on the road. However, this typically means that you’d need to have your vehicle repaired at a workshop that your insurer has approved for company car insurance.

Cover Note 

Vague as it might be, a cover note is more or less a temporary solution to keep you covered until your official insurance certificate comes through. A cover note provides evidence that you have valid car insurance – the note is only valid for a short period, though. 


Granted, depending on what type of insurance you buy, your car is covered, and the cost is something you don’t need to worry about. But, in most cases there’s an excess; a payment that you need to make to cover the short fall in the event of an insurance claim. The insurer cannot pay the total sum of repairs and it is your responsibility to ensure you have this covered in such circumstances. 

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