How Graphic Design is Saving Businesses During the Pandemic

According to UN News, the Coronavirus (commonly known as Covid 19) has caused a massive impact on businesses the world over. There have been 195 million job losses, and 25 million more are being threatened. Additionally, industries such as manufacturing, tourism, and many others are seeing huge losses in revenues.

In these volatile times, there is one ammunition that came totally unexpected. Graphic design has been saving businesses during the pandemic. From fighting to contain the spread to innovating ways to advertise struggling businesses, graphic design has never been more welcome than today. 

Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Here are the ways graphic design through effective visual messaging is helping ease the hardships brought about by this virus.

Information Dissemination

Firstly, graphic design has helped, not just businesses, but all of us in general. The medical and health care world has used graphic design to disseminate information effectively. Infographics can help people understand the virus and the situation better when viewed as an image rather than a block of text. 

UNSW lecturer Dr. Rebecca Green relates how Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, used infographics in 1858. When Nightingale published her report on war hospitals, she worried that the data would come as boring and dull. Thus, the need for her to create this infographic:

Today, the World Health organization frequently posts updates on their websites with infographics such as the one below. They are easy to understand and get the message across efficiently.

If you’re wondering where to get infographics that catch attention, you may want to consider Penji. An on-demand graphic design service, Penji can create infographics and other types of designs. Here is an example of their infographic:

Advertising Your Business

A Forbes article cites many reasons why companies shouldn’t stop advertising during a recession, or in this case, a pandemic. One of which is that since competition will cut back on their ad spending, you get to be the only one among a few who is making your presence felt.

Also, advertising during difficult times can give you a much-needed image of stability. While many companies are succumbing to the hardships, advertising can project your business as a reliable name in your industry. 

It can also turn an adverse situation into something favorable for your brand. Take a look at what Emily Snacks did:

The ads may have already been paid for, the reason they still posted them anyway. While no one was around to see the actual outdoor ads, the photos went viral on social media. This gains them more exposure and better brand awareness.

Continuing your advertising endeavors require graphic designs. And, as advertising today will no longer be as it was before, the more you need creativity in your business. This is precisely what graphic designers are doing. The industry may have also been affected, but it is still vital during this time.

Keeps Us Connected

Every one of us has been acutely affected by the pandemic. Some even say that the virus has been a great equalizer. Looking out for one another is crucial in times of distress as we become united in the fight against the enemy that is the virus. 

This advertising design from Burger King touched the hearts of many. The ad encourages us to buy from their competition to show support as the hospitality industry is one of the hardest hits. This move from the burger restaurant illustrates their sense of solidarity with every name in the fast-food sector.

Boost Positivism

In these times when people are losing jobs or feeling the adverse effects of the crisis, it’s important to boost positivism in all of us. Graphic design can significantly help in doing this. Big-named brands such as Coca-Cola have come up with billboards that inspire positivity.

They have cleverly shown their concern while giving a reminder that social distancing is one of the best ways to avoid catching the virus. The campaign also serves as a good reminder that the soft drink brand is out there and, as always, is going strong.

Introduce New Ways to Enjoy Your Brand

Graphic design can help businesses introduce new ways to use and enjoy their products or services. The pandemic may have caused your business to offer other ways to serve customers. Some are even forced to do that just to stay afloat—restaurants offering only takeout instead of having people dine in and many other similar strategies.

Your ad campaign may also take a hit. This isn’t the time to quit. On the contrary, you have to step up. This is what KFC has done, which you can see in the ad below. 

They have changed their finger-lickin’ to mouth-waterin’ tagline to be in tune with today’s situation. This comes off as being relevant, dynamic, and socially conscious and aware.

Provide Comic Relief

They say that laughter is the best medicine, and graphic design can provide that essential comic relief to your ads. Great design can help communicate a variety of emotions. One of these is happiness. As many people struggle in their day to day lives because of the pandemic, you can get your business noticed by adding wit to your ads. has released a series of digital ads that feature colorful boxes with short and funny coronavirus-related messages. The ad below is one of the ads from that campaign.

Mental health is a significant concern, and adding humor to your ads and other design peripherals can surely help. The campaign included situations that everyone can relate to while placing emphasis on social distancing and other concerns.


For most of us, these are unprecedented times. Beating the virus takes the effort of all of us. But keeping our businesses alive is a different thing altogether. We have to learn to live with the situation and still keep our wits about it. Graphic design does help, and there’s no reason to discontinue having it in business.

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