a blue email sign on a blue background

How Cloudy.Email is helping companies send millions of emails without breaking the bank


Maruf Yusupov, co-founder at Cloudy.Email that helps companies send millions of emails per month at affordable rates joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Maruf Yusupov discuss the following:

  1. What is Cloudy?
  2. How did you come up with the idea for Cloudy?
  3. Why should someone use Cloudy instead of other solutions?
  4. How come is Cloudy is so cheap compared to other alternatives?
  5. Shall we still care about email marketing in 2019?

Cloudy is a cloud based online newsletter and email sending software as a service. It will enable you send mass emails at a fraction of a cost compared to other email marketing softwares.

For example, our pricing is just $1 for 1.000 emails. No Monthly Fees. Unlimited Contacts.


Website: www.cloudy.email

Social Media Links:
Facebook: facebook.com/cloudyemail

Featured Image Source: Unsplash+

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