How Can Private Investigators Support Your Divorce Case?

Divorce can be pretty rough for any couple and all the difficulties that come along with it. Either it is dividing the assets or retaining custody of children; the disagreement can cause some traumatic experience.

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The consequences of a divorce can be upsetting, and the lack of accurate data and evidence can make it worse, especially when the divorce includes a considerable sum of money and assets. There are several spy apps for cheating spouses that you can use to confirm infidelity or such as considering private investigators AU if you are in their coverage area. Since the process is already heartbreaking, you do not need to wear yourself down with the process. 

You can hire a personal investigator who will verify the information and collect evidence to prove your case. They are highly professional with an extensive range of tactics like collecting data, interrogation, record searching, etc. Also, they have contacts with law firms, security and media agencies, and have professional equipment to collect data accurately. For more details about handling divorce mediation, read The Sanders Firm’s article at

What Can Private Investigators Do?

Usually, divorce cases involve matters like abusive relations or infidelity, but personal private investigators can investigate other areas of life, such as financial or medical issues, that might shed light on real causes of divorce.

  • Collecting evidence of allegations

To file for divorce, you must state the fault at issue, i.e., the reason you want to end the marriage. The grounds for divorce can be domestic violence, imprisonment, adultery, deserting, or impotency. And to prove these faults, you need to present evidence in court. Private investigators have their sources and tactics to gather evidence.

  • Child support

After a divorce, the one who retains custody of children is liable to ask the court to mandate the other parent to pay child support for a better future. It can be often seen that the partner may be hiding income and sources to lower child support. In such a case, the investigator can ensure that raising children does not become a burden on one parent.

  • Child custody

To get the children’s custody, you need to point out why you would be a better parent to the kids than your spouse. And you need to prove it with evidence. It is not easy to gather such evidence when you are not sure what you are looking for and do not have knowledge of how to do it. However, this is all that investigations are about. 

  • Asset inquiry

There are often cases where spouses try to hide their assets and inheritances. The investigator has the ability to acquire the financial information, and then your lawyer can come up with better plans to get what you truly deserve.


Where the divorce rate is on the rise globally, couples are finding it difficult to choose when it is the time to end the marriage. You may not know how to proceed with the case and how to make sure you do not get stripped of your children and money, but an investigator does. Therefore, hiring a private investigator will reduce the stress caused by the divorce. This way, you can save yourself from humiliation in front of relatives and friends. 

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