Epoxy Flooring and Its Installation in Residential Areas

The market for epoxy flooring Worcester MA, has been growing steadily over the past few years. The material was first invented in the 1930s for dental fixtures, but it has found its way into more applications. Today, you will find it a flooring option for industrial use, garage, and outdoor surface.

An epoxy floor is among the leading options on the market. Its aesthetic appeal, durability, and customization make it an incredible choice. In this guide, we will be looking at it more deeply and its installation in residential areas.

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What is Epoxy Flooring?

Epoxy is a flooring chemical that is quite different from regular paints. The floor is designed from a 2-part epoxy system, a mixture of hardeners and polymer resins. The harder resin needs to be mixed properly for it to bond effectively.

When they bond, they create a stiff plastic material that is extremely durable. It’s the degradation resistance of this material that makes it ideal for many homes.

In short, epoxy flooring is a floor surface made up of multiple layers. It has to be applied 2 mm thick over the normal flooring.

Types of Epoxy Flooring Worcester MA

Epoxy flooring has gained great popularity in the commercial industry. It has also penetrated residential areas as a preferred choice. Here are the main types:

  • Solid epoxy. This is a simple yet versatile floor that offers a wide color selection. These are ideal for rooms with solid colors and are more prevalent in buildings, convention halls, and restaurants.
  • Flake epoxy. With flake epoxy, you get more color in your garage, basement, or other rooms. The main materials are acrylic chips or flakes with a wide color selection.
  • Graveled epoxy. This type is more common in stores, buildings, and restaurants. It is a resin epoxy that allows you to customize your floor.
  • Metallic epoxy. If your floor has a metallic finish, go for this epoxy flooring. It has a metallic additive that allows you to customize the floor in so many ways.
  • Self-leveling epoxy flooring. Self-leveling epoxy is your best option if you want to cover uncoated areas or current concrete floors. This versatile coating is available in a wide range of colors.

Any experienced tile flooring installer Worcester, MA, should also know about epoxy flooring. They should recommend the best type for your home. Luckily, you will always find something appealing.

Residential Epoxy Flooring Installation Worcester MA

Epoxy promises great durability, customizability, and resilience. And that is why it has become a very popular flooring option for many homeowners. It can be used on bathroom floors, kitchen, living room, basement, garage, sunroom, and patio.

The basic installation process includes the following:

  • Preparation. The process begins with a thorough preparation of the area. A concrete floor should be clean, without any grease, oil, stains, or solvents. It should be dry and cured and should not have any cracks.
  • Tools. After preparing the area, you will need a broom, a wet/dry vacuum, protective wear, painter’s tape, buckets, cleaning solutions, a hand grinder/scraper, concrete filters, a power scrubber, and a paint roller.
  • Install. Follow the installation procedure, starting from the preparation, cleaning, and outlining of the area with the painter; apply the first coat, add a second coat, and then fill the holes and let it dry.

There is no big difference between epoxy and tile installation Worcester MA. Both options require a clean surface, and they are extremely durable. Ensure you hire a qualified floor expert to install it for you.

Final Thought

Epoxy floors are durable, relatively cheaper than other options, attractive, damage-resistant, easy to maintain, and come in wide varieties. Apart from these benefits, it fits a wide range of applications. Call us today if you want to know more or if you want professional epoxy roofing installation services.

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