Dr. Vincent DeFilippo on Commitment Trap Feature

Entrepreneurs Must Avoid Falling Prey to a Commitment Trap

Dr. Vincent DeFilippo on Commitment Trap

Dr. Vincent deFilippo, DBA, MBA, a professor in the School of Accounting and Business at Monroe College joins Enterprise Radio. Dr. deFilippo will discuss how entrepreneurs must avoid falling prey to a commitment trap. His new book is Braking Point: How Escalation of Commitment Is Destroying the World (and How You Can Save Yourself).

This episode of Enterprise Radio is on association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Dr. Vincent deFilippo discuss the following:

  1. What Inspired you to write this book?
  2. Will you share with us a modern-day example of an escalation of commitment in a business context?
  3. What are some of the red flags that businesses miss that lead to an escalation of commitment?
  4. What is it about human nature that drives us to persist in a failing pursuit?
  5. How does escalation of commitment pertain to areas of our lives outside of business?
  6. What can help us improve our odds of not falling prey to an escalation of commitment?
  7. Will Big Data and AI help us make better decisions regarding when to walk away from a failing project?

Dr. Vincent deFilippo, DBA, MBA

Dr. Vincent deFilippo, DBA, MBA, is a professor in the School of Accounting and Business at Monroe College. Prior to that he was CEO of a private equity fund in Hong Kong, raising several billion dollars in venture capital for entrepreneurs and publicly traded companies throughout the Asia Pacific Region. He is a member of the Writers Guild and holds a doctorate in Business Administration with a concentration in behavior, decision-making and leadership. Further, Dr. deFilippo has two master’s degrees along with professional certifications from Harvard, Brown, MIT, Columbia, NY Film Academy, and Hollywood Film School. His new book is Braking Point: How Escalation of Commitment Is Destroying the World (and How You Can Save Yourself), (ViennaRose Publishing, May 3, 2023).

Braking Point Book Cover

Website: https://www.vincentdefilippo.com

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