Entrepreneur and Mailman Robert Poole, Inventor of the Can Keeper

Robert Poole

Robert Poole who is a mailman & entrepreneur from Clayton, North Carolina who invented the Can Keeper joins Enterprise Radio. Robert is also the inventor of Rules of the Game, a sports trivia game.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Robert Poole discuss the following:

  • How did the idea of the Can Keeper come about?
  • What are three lessons you have learned as an entrepreneur?
  • What is the most important challenge you have encountered so far and how did you overcome this?
  • What advice would you offer other entrepreneurs?
  • What is your strategy for short and long term success?

Duration: 10:01


Robert Poole has been a mail carrier in Clayton, North Carolina since 2006 and always had an inventor/entrepreneurial spirit.  In the late 90s, he invented a sports trivia game that attained national recognition.  Called Rules of the Game, it was sold nationally and this sports trivia game was a huge success.

He joined the air force reserve in 1986 until present and did 3 years of active duty between 2003 and 2009.


Web Site: Cankeeper.net

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