Don’t Quit – Follow Your Dreams with Sulondia Hammond

Don’t Quit – Follow Your Dreams with Sulondia Hammond

Sulondia Hammond, affectionately known as Sue-Ham, is the author of “Don’t Quit – Follow Your Dreams” & joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Sulondia Hammond discuss the following:

  • What made you write your book and open up about your own struggles?
  • What advice do you have to offer to someone who is on the verge of quitting?
  •  Should one one focus on multiple things to achieve success or just hone in on one skill?
  • How can one identify their purpose?
  • What are some of the benefits of FEAR & of FAITH?
  • How do you stay motivated– what are some things we can do to stay on track?

Duration: 8:24

Sulondia Hammond, affectionately known as Sue-Ham, is an author, speaker, playwright, former Marine, mother of 3, and philanthropist. She’s the mastermind behind Sue-Ham Entertainment where she created and produced the TV show-The Sue-Ham Show. She’s also written and produced 3 stage plays. Sue-Ham’s latest quest is to share her story with others in the hopes that it will inspire them to live on purpose, weather the storm, and follow their dreams!

The book “Don’t Quit – Follow Your Dreams” offers a private insight into the life of a determined young woman whom even when faced with several different adversities (poverty, divorce, foreclosures, bankruptcy, repossessions, fear, and doubt), did not quit.

Rather than quitting, she embraced her purpose in life and pursued it relentlessly without fatigue to no ends.

You, the reader will learn how a young woman from one of the poorest states in the nation accomplished her dreams once she consciously decided to replace “fear” with “faith.” Once she replaced “doubt” with “it’s done.”

Today she is a successful playwright, author, TV host, director, producer, actor, and motivational speaker.

The book, “Don’t Quit – Follow Your Dreams,” inspires and encourages one to navigate beyond troubled waters and live the life you were birthed to live!


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