Disruptive Marketing: Building a Brand that gets attention

Stacey Kehoe, the Author of #1 Best Selling Book, Get Online joins Enterprise Radio. She is the Founder of Brandlective, a marketing agency that Supports brands with their digital marketing strategy and social media marketing to double their inbound leads.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is in association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Stacey Kehoe discuss the following:

  1. What inspired you to write the book, Get Online: 6 Simple Steps to Building a Digital Marketing Strategy?
  2. It’s a crowded marketplace out there, how can a small business stand out?
  3. How much marketing content do we need to produce?
  4. Is this how you developed ‘The Content Waterfall’ method?

Brandlective was founded in 2011 with a simple objective:  To help businesses to GET ONLINE and embrace the digital world.

Founder, Stacey Kehoe, was motivated to start a marketing agency that helped businesses to innovate and transform.  Her story began following three redundancies during Global Recession of 2007-08, she watched countless businesses struggle to adapt and eventually fold during this time, simultaneously a new wave of startup’s emerged.

Goodbye; Blockbuster, Blackberry and Thomas Cook Travel Agency!

Hello; Netflix, iPhone’s and Hotels.com

These tech-savvy enterprises, embraced technology and the digital landscape to propel their businesses forward.

To stay relevant, we believe you must grow a digital footprint. This is not just for global brands, every business no-matter it’s size must utilise digital marketing to captivate their customers attention.  The good news is, this is easier than ever – AND more cost-effective than ever before.  Get in touch to find out how we can your brand from ‘Unseen to Unstoppable’ by improving your digital marketing tactics.

Website: https://www.brandlective.com

Social Media Links:
Facebook: facebook.com/Brandlective
Twitter: twitter.com/brandlective
Instagram: instagram.com/brandlective

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