Common Workers’ Compensation Claim Mistakes to Avoid

Given the seriousness of workers’ compensation claims, they are not something most people have to deal with on more than one occasion. As a result, it’s easy to make mistakes relating to your claim simply because you don’t have enough experience. 

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However, there are ways to avoid some of these common mistakes to improve your outcome and reduce your stress levels. If you’re making a workers’ compensation claim, try to avoid doing the following things: 

Hiring an Inexperienced Lawyer

While there is nothing wrong with hiring a general practice lawyer for most basic legal situations, having a dedicated worker’s compensation law firm like Williams & Kamb on your side can certainly be a more beneficial option. 

General lawyers have experience in a wide variety of legal issues, but workers’ compensation lawyers work with the intricacies of workers’ compensation day in, day out. Being represented may also put you in a better position to receive the settlement figure you deserve. 

Failing to Report Your Accident

Some injuries may not seem worthy of reporting to your supervisor. For example, you may have cut yourself, but were so busy that you simply covered it with a bandage and carried on with your work. 

If you encounter serious health problems relating to that injury, you may not have a paper trail to support your claim and receive workers’ compensation. No matter how big or small, any injury or incident should be reported based on the reporting policies your employer has in place. The more in-depth your report is, the more straightforward your compensation claim may be. 

Not Being Fast or Accurate

Time is of the essence with a workers’ compensation claim. In South Carolina, you have two years to file a claim for benefits but just 90 days to report your injury. Dependents or parents of a worker who died from work-related injuries must also file a claim within two years. 

Of equal importance is your accuracy. If you don’t hire a workers’ compensation lawyer to assist with the paperwork, there is a risk that you can be denied if you haven’t filled your forms out properly. Even if successful on appeal, the delay can be stressful for many injured workers with bills to pay. 

Not Disclosing All Information to Your Doctor

In most situations, workers’ compensation benefits are paid out based on your accident report details and medical records. If your claim is denied or questioned, these documents can be crucial for clearing anything up. 

When you visit your healthcare provider for care, detail every injury sustained in your workplace incident and all pain you are feeling. Doing so may prevent any complications arising that impact your ability to claim compensation. 

Going Back to Work Too Soon

After days, weeks, or months of being on the couch watching movies, you may be eager to get back to work. While workers’ compensation insurance companies will be more than happy for you to reenter the workforce, be careful with your approach. 

You may need to find a job that accommodates your injuries and has your doctor’s approval. If you have to take a lesser position due to your injuries, you may be able to apply for a reduced-earnings benefit. 

After a workplace accident that sees you unable to perform your regular job, it can be worth contacting a workers’ compensation law firm. They can walk you through this new territory while ensuring you make as few of these mistakes above as possible. 

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