Numerous company owners and business managers are unaware of the importance of a complete applicant background check. It may be challenging to comprehend why checking into past work history, education, and affiliations is essential, but doing this is necessary to hire trustworthy employees.
An online background check will show any criminal or civil court records and any unanswered or unpaid debts. Even if an individual has an excellent resume, there could be something in their past, which would cause a company to decline the offer for employment.
By checking an employee’s background, a business ensures that they are not hiring a criminal or a dangerous person, who might jeopardize their company. It also makes your company look trustworthy and transparent to the public.
It is crucial to run an applicant background check because it can help you screen out risky prospective employees who may cause problems for your company or customers later. If you have had bad experiences with past workers, it is a good idea to run an employee background check right from the beginning. You will know that you are not dealing with someone who has a history of being late, doing a poor job, being dishonest, or having a tendency to steal.
Another reason to do background checks on potential employees is that you might have a valuable asset working for you but never knew it.
When do you do a background check?
You will want to do a background check on the applicant after they have had all interviews and you have decided that they are the most qualified candidate.
What does a background check include?
When you do a background check, it will include checking driving records, criminal records, education levels, security clearances, and much more. It is essential to ensure that the candidate has all the skills needed for the job and that they have no reason to be violent or dishonest with your company. Doing a background check is crucial for data verification and the safety of your business and entire team. However, employers should make sure that they are doing this in a legal manner.
How to spot red flags in an applicant?
There are sure signs that you can keep an eye on within an applicant’s background, including a history of misconduct, questionable work history, and unexplained employment gap. This is just a good guideline on what to look for, and it is up to you as the hiring manager to decide if you want to hire the person based on these things or not. The most important thing that will give you a red flag with an applicant is when they have been justly fired from a previous job or were arrested. Remember that not all arrests are bad, so you need to be careful about how you talk about the situation.
Can a company check anyone’s records?
It is legal to check an individual’s background when they fill out an application for a job. It is also legal to ask a third-party company to do the check.
Ensure that the employee completes all background check forms and any other legal documents that you may need them to sign. This will show that they are willing to be honest, and it could also protect your company in the end. Not completing these forms could be a sign of dishonesty, which you should not want working for your business.
If the candidate is hesitant about signing too many forms, avoid judging too quickly and declaring them dishonest. Identity theft is too prevalent these days, and anyone would want to protect their personal information. Hence, ask the candidate why they are unsure about signing the forms and address their concerns respectfully and openly.
Honesty goes both ways. If you want to hire trustworthy employees, you must be an employer who is worthy of trust.
What kind of information can you find out?
Generally, background checks show whether an individual is who they claim to be. An individual who does a background check on another person will find things such as educational history, criminal history, driving records, employment history, and even personal information, such as phone numbers or home addresses. Note that there are pieces of information that should be kept private between the company and the employee. You want to ensure that you are getting the strongest level of security when it comes to your company’s integrity so that no one takes advantage of the situation at any point.
Final Thoughts
Moving forward with your application and hiring an applicant can be very risky if you do not take the time to make sure that they have a clean background. By checking an applicant’s background, you ensure that you are not bringing in a dishonest person to do unethical work. This is something that can hurt the reputation of your company. It may seem like an invasion of privacy, but getting information on someone else’s background is necessary for your business. This can protect your business, you as the employer, and the rest of your employees.