Kratom is a gigantic tree that is native to Malaysia and Thailand. The tree’s height spans between 12 and 30 feet tall and has large, dark leaves that are oval-shaped.
Kratom thrives in fertile soil and wet, humid regions. It also requires lots of sun and wind protection. They grow, shed, and re-grow all year round, but you find an abundance of these trees and their bright yellow flowers and tons of buds in the rainy season.

How to pronounce Kratom
Although Kratom has been popular since the 1930s, its popularity faded in the 50s. However, it regained popularity and continued to rise.
If you’re wondering how to pronounce Kratom, there are two ways to do that, according to, belonging to the Oxford University Press.
One way to pronounce it is “kra-tum” with ‘Krat’ sounding like ‘at’ and ‘tum’ sounding like ‘ton’. With this pronunciation, kratom rhymes with ‘atom’.
Another way to pronounce it is to have ‘kra’ sound like ‘cray’ and ‘tum’ sound like ‘ton’.
Outside of, some persons pronounce it as kra-TOM. In this less common case, ‘kra’ has the same rhyme as ‘bra’ and ‘tum’ rhymes with the name ‘Tom.’
Uses of Kratom
Residents of Southeast Asia and Indochina have used Kratom for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. They mostly used it for opium addiction and diarrhea. Kratom has similar biological properties as a herb called Uncaria or a cat’s claw.
Kratom extract comes from dried leaves from the tree, and people in Thailand either chew the leaves or crush them into a paste and make tea from them or swallow.
Kratom is often sold in fine powder form in the U.S, and people in the West mix it with herbal or black tea and add sugar or honey as sweeteners.
You can start to feel the effects of Kratom between 5 and 10 minutes of ingesting it. The effect of Kratom can last for a few hours.
People can find kratom for sale in tons of internet outlets and a few pharmaceuticals because many large pharmaceutical companies don’t embrace it due to low-profit margins.
Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is yet to approve the use of kratom, they may study it soon because its uses and popularity continue to increase.
There is hardly any herbal or pharmaceutical substance that doesn’t come with its possible side effects and risks. If you listen to the caution that comes at the end of drug advertisements, you’ll see that there’s a lot to watch out for.
So, whether you are getting a doctor’s prescription or taking FDA-approved drugs, ensure to educate yourself and know everything you can about the product before using it. Always learn about reactions and side effects for your safety while using these drugs.