A review of Udemy: Is it worth it?

Udemy is one of the largest online learning platforms in the world. The platform creates a teaching and learning environment, all from the comfort of one’s home.

Udemy creates a platform where expert tutors can offer free or paid courses in several fields, and students can learn and develop new skills.

Source: Unsplash

Udemy is already a global phenomenon because of its innovative nature and how it makes a space for itself on a global market space.

Instructors have an opportunity to make extra money while teaching individuals who are passionate about learning, building their careers, and developing new hobbies.

Let’s go on with the review of Udemy, alongside its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Udemy

●     Convenient learning 

Udemy has created a platform where people can learn any course they want at their comfort. You can even find skills and courses taught in universities on Udemy, including Accounting, Digital Marketing, and Coding.

You can simply register for a course on the platform and learn from the comfort of your home.

●     Students can leave a review of Udemy courses

When students conclude a course, they can rate the course and leave reviews. Reviews are great for helping other students know what course to sign up for, what skills are satisfactory, and how to make their decisions.

With a large number of trust people have in reviews these days, a review of Udemy is a great way for new students to make informed opinions about study courses and sign up for classes.

●     Comfortable learning and easy access

Udemy is a learning platform with a comfortable means of learning. You can take out all the traffic, the stress of in-person classes, or sacrificing time with family to learn.

Udemy makes videos, texts, and other lecture materials available so that you can access them at any time and from anywhere, provided you have an internet connection.

●     Learning at your own pace 

With Udemy, you can start a course whenever you want and finish at your own pace. You can schedule your study hours on the platform according to your unique needs and daily activities.

Disadvantages of Udemy

●     No recognizable certificate

When you gain knowledge from Udemy, you cannot present the certificate you get for employment or further educational purpose because Udemy lacks the necessary accreditation as a learning institution.

●     Udemy doesn’t offer Academic Credit

Although Udemy creates an amazing environment where experts transfer skills and knowledge to learners, the platform does not give academic credits as you study.

●      Udemy does not curate Instructors

The Udemy platform allows anybody to teach in areas that they have the necessary skills and expertise, so there is no curation of such teachers.

This isn’t a problem, however, because many of the instructors are very qualified. Some are leaders in several fields, some are university professors, and others are authors and leaders of thoughts.

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