A General Overview of the Different Pallet Racking Systems

a large warehouse filled with lots of boxes
Source: Unsplash

Warehouses and storages employ various systems and equipment to maximize space. Almost every warehouse incorporates the use of pallet racks, skids or an industrial bin storage to store different materials that come in many sizes. 

The pallet racking system is functional mainly when it gets boosted by the use of additional material such as pallet rack wire decking or dividers. The following are several forms of the pallet racking system.

Selective pallet racking

This type of racking system is commonly used in warehouses. In constructing storage using a selective pallet racking system, the pallet rack bay gets stacked with a vertical frame and a horizontal beam or a pallet rack wire decking.

One of its prime advantages is that it provides high-density storage, and it’s convenient for accessing items from a load without moving any other pallet. 

Push-back pallet racking

From the name itself, this system works when a new pallet ‘pushes back’ an old pallet. However, when the pallet in the front is removed, this racking system will then push forward the pallet before it. Most of the time, there are six pallets in every lane that contain similar products. 

Best used for non-perishable products, push-back pallet racking optimizes the accessibility of the recently stored item, making it a practical choice for those considering second hand pallet racking.

Drive-in/drive-thru racking system

Another racking system that incorporates the Last-In, First-Out method is the drive-in/drive-thru order. The system is considered very simple and is a quick and efficient method when it comes to loading and unloading. 

This system works by delegating which side of the lane is the loading area, so the opposite becomes the unloading area. The fork truck driver then puts a new pallet via the loading area and gets a pallet in the unloading area. However, this racking system might be intricate to employ in getting a pallet when the lane is full. 

Pallet flow racking system

Opposite the last-in, first-out system is the first in, first out system, which is demonstrated by the use of the pallet flow racking method. Also known as the gravity flow, this type of racking system is incorporated with the use of wheels, rails, and rollers. 

The system works by constructing the frames in a slightly downward slope so that when the forklift truck driver places a pallet, it automatically rolls forward. 

The other end where the pallet is stored will be where the pallet gets unloaded. This system can only work for durable, nonfragile materials, as well as perishable items. It’s also advantageous for warehouses in lessening physical and mechanical work. 

A mobilized industrial rack system

Probably the most advanced system is the use of compact mobilized pallet racks. This system optimizes a considerable amount of space because the aisles can become conveniently opened and closed as needed. 

This type of racking system hugely reduces the cost of electricity charges and the necessary heating or cooling cost for specific products. It’s because the racks are compact if they are not in use. A disadvantage of this mechanized racking system is the cost that it will take up in installing the motorized mobile warehouse pallet racks.

When one finds the right racking system, it can help reduce a considerable amount of cost and store more items for inventory. 

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