6 Video Marketing Strategies for a Visual World

According to an analysis done on small business video marketing strategies, 64% of the small business owners involved in the survey conceded that videos are the most practical and reliable online marketing aspect. Over half of the 500 small businesses included in this Promo.com survey acknowledged that they had to incorporate promotional videos into their marketing strategy for them to grow their businesses. 

Image Source: Pixabay

With the impact that social media has on society, it is safe to say that we are surrounded by; simple, fast and efficient ways to share products and share video content. The story feature in apps like; Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are becoming more of an integral part of both small and large scale businesses. Saas businesses and technology company videos are also no exception to this. Highly informative explainer videos help potential customers understand how certain software can solve their issues. Using visually pleasing content can help businesses thoroughly explain the nature of the product without hoping for potential clients to read lengthy complicated texts about their services.

What Are the Most Efficient Video Marketing Strategies

Unlike individuals who can post videos with random content without thinking twice, businesses should only share videos that capture the actual image and story behind your brand. The following are marketing strategies to consider:

Start a Vlog

Video blogs are a beneficial means of repurposing written content into shareable videos that your viewers could easily watch on the go. Vlogging is a considerable alternative for content creators who are uncomfortable with appearing on live videos since it allows you to; plan, record, and edit your video before sharing it.

Use Shorter Video Ads to Keep and Capture Your Viewers’ Attention

It goes without saying that videos ought to be kept short across all platforms. This way, viewers are more likely to watch the entire video ad. However, your video’s length will be determined by the video format and the platform you are sharing it on.

Engage More Viewers with Stories

There are multiple social media platforms that allow you to share short promotional videos. Ensuring that your videos are authentic and truly showcase your brand will make your audience always want to keep track of what you’re sharing. Also, constant posting helps you build a relationship with your audience since it facilitates more engagement.

Use Live Videos

80% of online shoppers admit that they would rather watch live videos rather than read blog posts, 63% of these shoppers are between ages 18 – 34 who frequently watch online live streaming content. Instagram live videos, Youtube broadcasts and Facebook live is some of the most potent user engagement tools. Especially now that Instagram is considering permitting users to re-upload their live streams to IGTV.

Optimize for Mobile Devices with Vertical Video

There is a high vertical video optimized for mobile screens demand for both viewers and marketers. 75% of mobile users prefer to watch vertical videos instead of horizontal videos on their phones. Ensure your videos are sized to the correct dimensions to suit the platform you’re using will properly optimize your videos for mobile viewing.

Ensure Your Videos Are More Accessible to Your Followers

It is vital to provide video content that is accessible to every individual, including those with disabilities. On top of making sure that your content is easy to listen to and view, making it accessible is equally essential. You can make your videos more accessible by:

  •     Choosing easy to read fonts
  •     Adding descriptive audio where necessary
  •     Balance contrast and color combinations in your content
  •     Avoid content that rapidly flashes on the screen

Winding Up

Visual content encourages curiosity to discover more about your brand since it taps into your audience’s visceral psyche. If you want your brand’s awareness to skyrocket, you should consider creating high-quality visual content that resonates with your audience and promotes it regularly.

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