5 Types of Edibles and How They Affect You

The definition for the word ‘edibles’ is pretty much any food or drink product made with cannabis, cannabis oil, or CBD. 

Edibles are popular because, unlike wax or flower, they don’t need to be smoked/inhaled to be consumed. 

This means that they’ll tend to appeal to people who either don’t want to smoke, or can’t due to health reasons. 

But even people who also smoke or vape cannabis enjoy edibles, because they ‘hit’ slightly differently, and tend to last longer. 

But here’s the thing. 

There are several different types of edibles on the market. There are also a range of different types of edibles that you can create yourself. 

But how do they differ? And how will each type be likely to affect you?

In this post, you’re going to learn the basics—how 5 of the most popular different types of edibles will likely affect you. 

Note: We make no claims as to whether or not cannabis can, or should, be used medicinally, or to treat any medical conditions or illnesses. For all questions related to how cannabis can affect the body medically or medicinally, make sure to talk to your family doctor or licensed healthcare provider. 

This information is for entertainment’s sake, and to share some information passed on by other people who have tried edibles and reported back on their experiences. 

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Alright. Let’s dive into it!

1. Food Infused With Cannabis

This is the most popular type of edible. Pot brownies and cookies fall into this category. 

Basically anything that uses butter, milk, oil, sugar, or flour can be used to create cannabis-infused food, so this is a versatile category. 

Food edibles in this category tend to take longer to affect the body. They’re kind of like ‘time release capsules.’ 

Their effects also tend to last longer than the effects enjoyed after smoking or vaping. 

2. Drinks Infused With Cannabis

This category isn’t quite as popular, but is still enjoyed by a lot of people. 

Cannabis, when infused into drinks, can create a powerful and enjoyable edible experience that doesn’t require you to bake any solid foods or eat candy, sugar, butter, etc. 

Drinks infused with cannabis also tend to act faster than physical foods. They have a quicker uptake than, for example, pot brownies or cookies. 

3. Dissolvable Cannabis Powder

Dissolvable cannabis powder is a relatively new product on the marketplace. 

But it’s certainly potent. 

You can mix it into smoothies, shakes, or just about anything to infuse it with cannabis. 

And this makes it a very versatile tool for creating your own types of edibles. 

When you use dissolvable cannabis powder in a water-based food (so, like a drink), it’ll tend to enter your system and affect you faster than solid edibles. 

It’s also possible to make your edibles quite powerful with cannabis powder. So use caution, and don’t use too much too fast! 

4. CBD Edibles

CBD is a different compound than THC. THC is the psychoactive compound found in marijana, while CBD isn’t psychoactive. 

With that being said, CBD is known for producing many positive effects without the ‘getting high’ element, which some people prefer. 

CBD edibles will tend to make you feel more relaxed. They’re used to feel a general overall ‘lightness’ and to produce feelings of ‘well-being.’ 

So, the effect is quite different from the effects created by THC, and also quite mild by comparison—though the two compounds come from the same plant family. 

5. Cannabis Tinctures

Tinctures are basically liquid extracts from the marijuana plant. Some contain THC, and some contain CBD. 

They can be used for baking and can be used to infuse foods or drinks. But they can also be taken directly via a dropper under the tongue. 

People report that THC tinctures deliver a lot more THC than regular edibles, making them a lot more efficient. Therefore, they tend to be stronger and ‘hit harder’ than edibles. 

They also tend to hit faster. 

Whereas some edibles can take up to an hour to kick in, tinctures can kick in in as little as 15 minutes. A good example is D8 drops.


There you have it! 

5 different types of edibles, and a quick rundown of how they tend to affect the body. 

Just always make sure to consult your doctor before using any cannabis products, and always use them in moderation at first, until you figure out your limits and come to understand how they affect you personally. 

Not everyone’s experience with them is going to be the same, and you may need to experiment a bit to find the perfect product and strength for you. 

With that being said, a lot of people really love edibles. So be aware that if you try them, they just might become your new favorite thing! 

They are, after all, popular for a reason. And most people who try them seem to keep using them for their positive benefits.

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