5 Tricks to Boosting Your Company’s SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and in our digital age, every company, firm, and nonprofit should invest in it. So let’s unpack what SEO is and why it’s essential. Then we’ll explore five tricks to boost your website’s search engine result page (SERP) ranking.

Source: Unsplash

The Importance of SEO

Check out these statistics:

  • 90% of adults use search engines to research goods and services.
  • Nearly 8.5 billion Google searches are performed daily, which doesn’t include other search engines.
  • About 63% of search engine inquiries are done via mobile phones.
  • The overwhelming majority of users don’t look past the third page of the SERPs.

In other words, neglecting search engine optimization is a wasted opportunity. Ultimately, companies that invest in SEO do better than those that don’t.

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO

There are two main SEO categories: on-page and off-page.

On-page SEO focuses on keyword usage, content creation, and coding structure. Off-page SEO involves white-hat link-building, guest posting, online advertising, and social media.

For the best results, equal attention should be paid to both types, and in most cases, enlisting a digital marketing expert is the wisest move. They have the knowledge and skills needed to get the job done faster and better. Besides, do you want to spend hours every day building links, writing blog posts, and combing through code, or is your time better spent growing your business?

5 Tricks to Boost Your Company’s SEO

How can you boost your company’s SEO?

Experts use proprietary ways to reach SERP goals. However, a handful of popular tips and tricks will make a huge difference.

The Scholarship Hack

Search engines rate the value of incoming links. Schlocky connections from spammy sites won’t get you far. In some cases, they may even harm your ranking.

But link backs from authority sites with .org, .edu, and .gov domains give a lot of “link juice.” Unfortunately, they’re hard to get.

Companies set up scholarship funds to increase the chances of getting links from ideal websites. Since most schools and nonprofits have a page on their websites linking to all scholarship opportunities, it’s a great way to gain good links.

You don’t need to offer a multi-thousand dollar scholarship; $ 1,000 or $2,000 is enough.

Use Google’s Disavow Function

Some links will destroy your site. But you don’t always have control over who links to you.

If you want to break connections with spammy sites that linked to you without permission, use Google’s disavow tool. A couple of keystrokes can make a huge difference.

Set aside weekly time to check your backlinks and disavow ones from sub-par websites.

Blog Often About Highly Relevant Topics

There’s a saying in the SEO world: content is king. Some folks may try to convince you that content no longer works. But every empirical study proves otherwise.

Blog about topics that will be valuable to potential clients. Aim to make them as engaging as possible to boost your time-on-page statistics. Plus, good content will encourage people to get in touch and share the link.

Update Your Content Regularly

You don’t need to create 17 new pieces of content daily. Sometimes, updating old content works just as well. When starting out, three new blog posts a week, plus two updates, is a good plan.

How do you update content?

  • Add a “Last Updated” Tag: Search bots pay attention to dates. So make sure to put a “last updated” tag somewhere on the page to alert the spiders that the page contains new content.
  • Ensure the Information Is Still Accurate: The Internet is infested with out-dated information. Make sure yours is up to date.
  • Make the Piece Longer: Bots feast on in-depth content, so give them what they want!
  • Check for Broken Links: Broken links are like SEO kryptonite. Freshening a page should include a link check.

Structure Your Site With SEO in Mind

The HTML structure of a website affects SEO. Ensure your platform is coded correctly, includes the correct meta information, and features alt tags.

Be careful with DIY website builders. To make them usable by non-programmers, many plug-and-play platforms are freighted with extra code, which makes the site sluggish and decreases your SERP ranking.

SEO is a routine part of online marketing. Getting it right leads to better exposure and increased profits.

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