Evolution in technology never stops, and the same applies to business requirements – time and again they are the critical drivers for relocation. Such undertakings tend to be resource intensive, expensive and require diligent planning, intensive testing and the right tools to succeed.
For those with little knowledge of data migration, it’s a process that involves the transfer of data from a legacy source system to a brand new system referred to as the application or the target system.
Data relocation bears its risks such as data corruption and integrity, data loss, interference, and semantics. This article will guide you on ways to overcome the mentioned earlier challenges.
- Engage experienced personnel
Moving a data center is usually a one-off occurrence for the majority of IT experts, few firms have the hands-on proficiency to pull it off. Extremely high-density cooling and power environments require specialized competence and coordination. Sadly, IT knowledge doesn’t always translate into comprehending how to transfer a data center, nor does knowledge i=of operations and facilities mean that you grasp the unique pre-requisite of modern-day data centers, not to mention future ones as well.
Experience counts. Supposing your company has somebody with the necessary expertise engage him on the migration team. In the case, the company doesn’t have such a person, seek external assistance.
- Understand power requirements
Data centers assembled for present-day equipment vary from the square footage of 150-300 watts. Often IT specialists underrate power costs and power requirements especially if the facility’s management meet the expense – as is usually the case.
It’s essential that the owners of a facility and IT specialists iron out their respective concerns from turning into complications and the problems from becoming data migration and consolidation debacles.
- Proper planning
Often technology heads admit to underestimating the number or size of serves the new space can accommodate. Underrating the intricacies of data center migrations – skills required to execute the task, the time needed, the hardware required – is the rule and not the exception in matters to do with consolidation and relocation.
- Don’t upgrade systems during a move
Any alterations initiated during a moves increases risks and convolutes the project, more so in today’s standard practice of using relocations or consolidations to steer server virtualization.
Even though significant, virtualization is a considerable undertaking and trying to achieve server virtualization at the time of a move means attempting two distinct things simultaneously – a recipe for disaster.
In a nutshell, minimize modifications during the planning and moving stages of a data migration exercise. Don’t swap vendors and surely don’t virtualize. The anomaly to this guideline is that it’s beneficial to re-IP and acquire new networking equipment prior to the move. This saves the time and effort in re-installing new paraphernalia in the new site amid the move.
- Determine pre-move baselines
There’s always a motive behind a data relocation exercise. Often migrations are meant for cost reductions. Supposing your goal is to reduce costs, you risk failing to realize your goal in the absence (or underestimated) of baseline data statistics made before the move.
You can’t better what you can’t quantify. Know your prevailing data center TCO prior to making a move to a new facility; otherwise, you risk exposing yourself to incessant complaining and finger-pointing.
For more on IT procurement and services visit our site via:https://www.basicsolutions.com/services/data-center-relocation.