While we all know that competitive pay and good benefits are an integral part of an employee’s decision to join and stay at a company, there are other components of the job beyond a paycheck that employees appreciate and find important at work. Some of these come in the form of their surroundings, state of the art technology, and workplace practices that target employee well-being.
As an employer, consider these five things as you seek ways to please your employees.
1. Environment of Well-Being
A culture of wellness is quickly becoming one of the most important things an employer can provide within an organization. Employees expect their job environment to promote well-being on all levels. The 2018 Global Talent Trends survey found that one in two employees would like to see a greater focus on well-being at their company. This includes an emphasis on physical, psychological, and financial wellness. So, things like mental health days and opportunities for stress relief and physical activity, and even weekly meditation programs, show employees their company cares about them. The latest trend for modern offices is standing desks, which allow for intermittent standing throughout your work day helping avoid and treat back, neck, and joint pain and to improve productivity and energy levels.
2. Stylish Surroundings
There’s no question that the interior design sense of the average person has expanded greatly in recent years with the popularity of home design television shows. People want attractive surroundings whether at home or work and are tuned in more than ever to the esthetics of their office space. In fact, office design actually impacts employees’ health. According to a study comparing workers in different office environments, those in older, darker, and noisier offices had higher stress levels than workers in newer, sunlit spaces. Engaging the expertise of an office interior design services company can help achieve an environment with the right floor plan, and coordinating furnishings “creating unique spaces that exude character, charisma, and personality,” according to office design firm Uneebo. For the startup business owner, utilizing professional design services can be a way of making your business look cutting edge and attract higher level employees.
3. Encourage Telecommuting
Today, 5 million employees, or 3.6 percent of the workforce, work from home fifty percent of the time, an increase of 173 percent since 2005, according to GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com; and 80 percent of employees say they want to work from home at least some of the time. With the help of modern technology, it has never been easier to connect with one’s office and set up all the tech-necessities to create a state-of-the-art home office.
Online electronics retailers like NewEgg are becoming more popular as the demand is growing for accessories that enable working from home and provide the best protection for your smart home office. Power Over Ethernet (PoE) equipment like PoE cameras, PoE hubs, switches, and injectors use a single ethernet cable to power the camera and transmit video, simplifying installation for security systems. This means lower costs since there is no need to run power or pay for costly electrical work.
4. Flexible Work Schedules
Allowing employees to have flexible schedules is often of more value than days off. Workplace flexibility is one of the highest-ranked benefits by millennials, even higher than student loan or tuition reimbursement. It ranked high for Boomers, too, although the percentages were 15-20 points lower. For instance, a focus on productivity rather than specific hours spent in the office provides a less-stressful environment and less distraction from the tasks at hand. Being open to employees taking a midday break to go to the gym or pick up kids from school can boost productivity and encourage trust.
5. Summer Fridays
To add a bit of fun, why not consider implementing summer Fridays at your office. While a relatively small gesture at a surprisingly low cost to employers, closing early on Fridays between Memorial Day and Labor Day can make a tremendous impact on employee happiness.