5 tactics to enhance visibility without breaking your bank account

Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

SEO is ever-changing, it changes over time, and to remain visible, it is crucial that you keep changing your SEO practices. Almost 72% of consumers drop into a store within a distance of 5 miles from their home after doing a local search. This shows that local SEO is powerful. You will have to work on the SEO of your website so that it is visible in the search results. This will ensure that when a potential customer searches for the products or services you are offering, your brand appears.  

Once they find you on the search results, the chances of their dropping in rises. You may think that getting a high rank or good placement in Google is tough. But, it will make your life easier and will offer several benefits to your business.  

We share a few tips with which you can let the search engine giant know that your brand exists. Know how you can tell Google to notice your website.  

Register with Google My Business 

By registering your website with Google My website, you will have it on geographic search results. Google will verify your address by sending in a pin to your registered address and ensure that you have a physical presence. Hence, you will have a high chance of appearing in the search results. Google My Business is an excellent way of appearing on local search queries. If you are looking to attract consumers in your area, then registering for this option is vital. Also, ensure to include correct information such as opening hours and a working phone number.  

Register your website with Google Search Console 

Google Search Console was previously known as Webmaster Tools. It is a free service from Google, with which you can register your website and sitemap to Google for indexing. Submission of a sitemap to Google is basically done to let the bot know that your website exists. This is crucial to appear on search results. However, it is not all that you can do with Google Search Console.  

You can do a lot more than including letting Google know if there are varied versions of your website for different countries, check what links are linking to your site, ensure that no crawl errors are experienced with your site, etc. The search console pages are an excellent way to help you maximize visibility for your website.  

Identify the right keywords to use and add them to your heading, titles, description, etc.  

It is vital to identify the best keywords and phrases for which you want to rank in the search results. Also, ensure that you add them the right way. You need to conduct keyword research to find the best keywords that are relevant to your business. Know the details of the keywords that you will use that ensure that they are suitable for you.  

The volume of searches for each keyword, the keywords that are popularly used to search for your offerings, the difficulty of each keyword, etc. A dedicated keyword research tool will help you in the process. The tool will provide information that you want to know for each keyword.  

Make your web pages load fast especially on mobile devices 

Google ranks a website based on its sure speed since 2010. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that your website loads fast and doesn’t make your visitors wait. To achieve this, you will have to reduce the number of HTTPS requests on your website, and ensure that the size of your images are as small as it can be. Using fast hosting is also helpful when it comes to making your website load fast.  

You can get a comprehensive rundown of things that will help to speed up the process of loading your website. Use Google’s page speed insights tool to identify several aspects of your website that are making it slow.  


The above tips will help you gain visibility in the Google Search Engine. There are a lot more steps that you can take to improve your ranking. Substantially improve the performance of your website on Google to enhance your visibility. Make Google love your website so that it appears on the top. Improve your presence considerably and increase revenue.  

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