One of the most rewarding parts about being an entrepreneur is running your own startup. At the beginning entrepreneurs can wear all the hats from billing to executive decisions. While you are starting out on your business venture, it can take many years to fine tune processes and habits that help you operate at your best. It can be even tougher to stay productive while motivating others too. Instead of figuring it out all yourself, you can simply follow some of the habits of startup CEOs who you would like to emulate. Read on to learn about how these habits can transform your venture.
Block Out Time For Technical Work
In the beginning, you may have to still perform a fair amount of technical work as the CEO. Especially for CEOs of small businesses, you might be utilizing your specialized talent to deliver products or services to the company. Block out set hours to do any specialized or technical work for the company. This way, you don’t get caught up working in the business when you should be thinking and planning for the future. This habit keep your accountability for startup success. The most successful CEOs are able to work with an assistant or staff to block out their time to stay productive.
Decrease Time Spent On Meetings
Secondly, you should consider lowering how much time you spend in meetings. Many CEOs have long lists of pending tasks and activities to get to. Sitting in unnecessary meetings only wastes time for you and the company. In fact, in an interview with Charles Phillips, the CEO of Infor explains that his preferred method of communication is instant messaging because of the speed. If you could decrease the time spent on meetings by chatting frequently with employees, that could add hours to your days and weeks.
Motivate Employees To Work Hard
Next, the top startup CEOs motivate their employees to put their best work forward. Naturally, the motivation comes from different sources for everyone. However, it is up to you to find out what their goals are and how to support them in meeting those goals. Using effective coaching, CEOs understand that you have to motivate people in different ways because everyone is unique. Whether its working from home, bonus incentives or paid vacation days, there are different things that everyone cares about. Moreover, they make themselves more productive by motivating everyone around them to work hard.
Appreciate Others For Their Contributions
As a CEO, develop the habit of saying thank you and appreciating everyone for their efforts. The acknowledgement itself is enough to keep people engaged and invested in your startup’s purpose. Make it your habit to thank your team members for specific actions they take. As a result, employees will continue to go the extra mile to meet or exceed their goals. This is a key function to a productive CEO who gets results, appreciating others.
Take Brain Breaks When Needed
Every CEO needs to take breaks from time to time. You might have a very high focus level. However, eventually, you need to rest your brain. Some of the top startup CEOs have realized that they can maximize their productivity by taking breaks. In particular, you can introduce games, sports, equipment or dedicated space to taking breaks. If you hit a problem or can’t find a solution, take a break and come back refreshed. The most productive CEOs know when it’s the right time to give their brain a rest, switching off for a few, and then getting back to the task at hand.
These are some of the best CEO habits to incorporate into your day. They will make you more productive as an executive as well as a leader for those around you. If you can block out your time each day, you will find less distractions and more time for strategic work. Then, you should work to increase the communication frequency and accessibility which would lower the amount of time spent in meetings. More so, motivating employees will allow them to unlock company growth and make you more productive when they work harder. When then do put in the extra effort, make it a habit to show your appreciation by saying thank you. They will notice it. Finally, make sure you take care of yourself mentally, breaking when needed. If you make all of these habits part of your day, you will have saved years of putting together the best routine that works for you. Best of all, you would be using habits that startup CEOs are already using.