4 Useful Online Tools for Stressed-Out Business Owners

Any experienced entrepreneur can tell you that operating a business is no small task. Many things go into making an enterprise run smoothly that people tend to overlook because they’re focused on client-facing operations.

Whether you’re preoccupied with employee management, scheduling, facilitating efficient communication between team members, managing a brick-and-mortar business space, or setting up a functional website to reach your clients better, you’re going to feel overwhelmed trying to keep all your ducks in a row.

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Luckily, many online resources help entrepreneurs stay on top of all the demands of building an enterprise. Let’s take a look at four of the most useful tools on the web that will keep your business running smoothly.

1. Appointment Booking Software

If your business provides a service that requires setting up appointments with clients, then online appointment booking software will be an integral component of your business operations. It’s a much more efficient option than having every booking go through a secretary, and many of these software programs have features that will help you save money too!

With web-based booking software, your clients can select their appointment times online from the pre-approved available time slots and reschedule appointments with just a few clicks. The software’s automatic appointment reminders will also help you reduce no-shows and keep you from losing expected revenue due to client negligence.

2. Online Employee Time Clock

If you are managing a team of employees working remotely, a web based time clock is exactly what you need to keep track of employee attendance. With online time clock software, your employees can clock in and out on their computers, and the system will keep track of all the hours that they work. Then you just need to upload that data from the software into your payroll system. It’s that simple!

These software programs may also come with biometric elements, such as facial recognition or fingerprint and iris scans so that you can be sure your employees are actually clocking into work when they say they are.

2a. Automated expense management 

Whether you work remotely or from a physical office, you will incur costs to run your business. Whether they are software subscriptions, rentals, or employee-initiated expenses, it becomes important to keep track of expenses in real-time to maintain a healthy cash flow, understand your business’s financial health, and of course, tax compliance!

An automated expense management software takes on all the heavy lifting by helping employees track, record, and submit all business expenses in a timely and compliant manner. Further, it provides real-time analytics on spend that will help you optimize spending and make data-driven financial decisions, always!

3. Team Communication Solutions

Even if all of your employees are working remotely in separate locations, they’re inevitably going to need to talk to each other at some point to collaborate on work-related tasks. Luckily, several online tools can help keep you and your employees in constant contact, so you can be available to assist each other at a moment’s notice.

With online collaboration hubs, like Slack, your employees can use various text channels to communicate with each other, both individually and as groups. Videoconferencing software programs like Zoom and Skype for Business are ideal for hosting meetings when all employees can’t be physically present in the same location.

4. Website Building Software

Any modern entrepreneur knows that without a properly functioning, user-friendly webpage, your business isn’t likely to get a lot of traffic. Unfortunately, most people aren’t experienced in web design and development.

Luckily, there’s an online solution for that too! With the use of website building platforms like Squarespace and Weebly, even people with no knowledge of web development can build an aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-use website. It’s the easiest way to secure your business’s online presence and gain more clients through Internet traffic.


With these online tools, your business can start running more efficiently than ever before. Even if you think these solutions will take time to set up, remember that they’ll make your business more efficient in the long run. Programs like Slack and Zoom are easy to install, and online time clocks are worth the investment. Why not visit some of their websites and consider incorporating these tools into your business operations?

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