4 Money Management Apps You Can Use Today

If you’ve always needed a little help keeping your finances under control, using an app could be just the way to do it. Money management can do various things for you, from remind you when you’re running low on funds to rounding off purchases and saving the difference. They really can help you to get better at managing your money!

Below you’ll find 4 awesome money management apps recommended by Lending Expert that you can use today. Take a look and it shouldn’t be long before you notice a change. 


Pocketguard is an app designed to stop the user from overspending. The app is linked to all of your financial accounts so that you can track your spending in comparison to your budget throughout the month. 

It’s really easy to set up and connect to your accounts, so no need to worry about that. Your monthly income, bills, expenses, and savings will all be tracked as you go along, too. The app has a special feature that tracks your individual bills, and finds opportunities for you to save, too! You might just be able to find a better deal on your monthly service costs with this app. Tracking your budget becomes simple, and you find your spending is reduced. 

Money Dashboard

Money Dashboard allows you to see all of your accounts in one place, is completely free, and available on Android, iOS, and the web.

Again, this is an app that allows you to view all of your accounts and assets in one place, so you can easily analyse your come and outgoings. You’ll be able to understand any progress you’re making towards your goals, as well as how you tend to spend your money. 

The budget planner feature can be used to set your limits at the start of each month, and you can do this based on the previous month’s spending. 60 financial providers are supported, so you should always be able to find your bank on there. 


Mint is a popular budgeting app, and with good reason. It has numerous features that allow you to track your finances, but the budget tools seriously stand out. They are front and center once you have logged in. 

Mint will automatically track your transactions linked from your credit and debit cards for you, and put them against a budget that you are able to tweak to suit your needs. You can also opt in to get alerts when you go over your budget, as well as look at your overall cash flow so you can clearly see what’s going on with your accounts. 


Squirrel is free for 8 weeks, and then £9.99 after that. The idea is that it helps you to stretch out the time after payday. If you struggle to make your money last, this could be the app for you. Your bills money will be separated from your spending money so you are able to budget effectively and set solid savings goals, having peace of mind that you’ll be better off come next payday.

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