4 Alternative Treatment Strategies For Depression

Depression is usually addressed with medication. However, some fear the possible side effects of that kind of treatment and turn instead to alternative strategies. While others attest to the effectivity of non-pharmacological options, it’s still best to consult your doctor before trying them out.

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Using alternative therapies for depression doesn’t only mean changing your medication to herbal supplements. Those treatments refer to strategies that Western medical professionals don’t typically recognize as standard medical practices. However, they’re recommended by some professionals based on studies. Read on to learn more about them and how they can be of help to you or your loved ones.

  1. Natural Methods

The most common and safest alternative treatment is to go natural. This involves changing your lifestyle in order to manage depression. Sometimes, getting mentally exhausted is the result of your habits, so by disciplining yourself and gradually changing the way you do certain things, you may be able to improve and control your overall sense of well-being. 

Here are some daily activities that may help you with depression:

  • Eat Healthy: Although no diet can magically fix depression, the food you eat can significantly impact your body’s intake of the nutrients required to produce neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are essential since they help regulate one’s mood. When you have low serotonin levels, your risk of feeling depressed becomes higher.

For a specific example, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) helps in making neurotransmitters by activating L-methyl folate from folic acid. However, some people cannot create L-methyl folate due to MTHFR mutation. As a result, they have lower serotonin levels. Thus, one may need to follow an MTHFR gene mutation diet, which entails the consumption of foods and supplements rich in folic acid.

  • Exercise Regularly: It’s equally important to exercise on a regular basis. By doing this, you can boost your endorphins, which are responsible for producing ‘happy’ hormones. And when it comes to long-term benefits, working out may rewire your brain to view things positively.
  • Sleep Well: If you’re used to sleeping late or barely getting any sleep, it’s time to change this because without adequate sleep, depression can get worse. Start by removing all the distractions in your bedroom such as your smartphone, computer, and other gadgets. It may also help to avoid napping in the afternoon so you won’t stay awake at night. It might be hard at first, but consistently taking these measures may eventually improve your sleep pattern.
  1. Talking Therapy

As its name implies, talking therapy has to do with speaking to other people about your problems or current situation. However, not everyone understands what depression is all about, so if you choose to converse with just any person about it, they likely won’t know how to respond to or help you. With that, you have to talk to a professional therapist, otherwise known as counselors, psychotherapists, or psychological therapists.

These mental health professionals have the proper training and knowledge to help you deal with negative thoughts. They can also assist you in identifying and exploring the impact of your thoughts on your daily life. By figuring out what’s triggering your mood and behavior, you can pinpoint the negative patterns you need to change. You’ll know how to manage your actions and, ultimately, develop greater control over your life.

  1. Mindfulness

Another way to understand how you feel is practicing mindfulness, which is about paying attention to your sensations, feelings, and thoughts at the moment without judging them. This alternative treatment is also known as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. These are the things you can accomplish with this method: 

  • Being Attentive To Other People: This means being present to others by appreciating their time and giving enough attention to your relationships. For instance, you may want to communicate with your partner if you have a problem instead of not talking about it. Communicating also requires listening to the other person’s sentiments in order to resolve the issue at hand.

Moreover, it would help to sympathize with people so you can let go of your distressful history with them. In doing so, you can have better relationships with others while saving yourself from being stressed out, which could lead to depression over time when problems with other people start piling up.

  • Understanding That Saying ‘No’ Is Okay: By being mindful of situations that make you uncomfortable, you can learn to steer clear of them. Part of this is reducing your responsibilities instead of simply avoiding awkward moments by agreeing to take on more tasks or doing what others want. Always saying ‘yes’ could burden and wear you out in the long run.
  • Learning To Respond: Practicing mindfulness will allow you to become aware of the present moment, which may help you decide how to respond appropriately. You’ll learn how to pause and identify the needs of others instead of impulsively reacting. That way, you can have a deeper understanding of the people around you.
  1. Yoga

Another alternative to exercise is doing yoga. This also increases your endorphin and dopamine levels. In addition, yoga doesn’t physically exhaust you, so it may be a better route to take if you’re suffering from depression. It can lower stress hormone or cortisol levels to balance your system as well.

Especially if you do it with mindfulness meditation, you can strengthen the connection of your body and mind. Meditation clears your mind while yoga allows you to control and focus on your movements. Moreover, the latter helps you practice deep, controlled breathing, which may also be contribute to reducing depression.

Not only that, but yoga is something anyone can try. You’re free to do whatever poses you can and want to practice, making it ideal for all ages. If you’re going to focus on smooth movements, you can look for an instructor with that sort of expertise, or you can opt for breathing emphasis. 

Yoga encourages you to calm your mind and body by focusing on positive images, which can be a good way to combat negative thoughts. As a result, you’ll learn to maintain your composure when negative situations arise by implementing breathing techniques and calming yoga exercises.


If you have depression, your doctor may have prescribed you with medication to relieve the symptoms. There’s certainly no reason for you to go against sound medical advice, but if you’re looking for additional ways to manage your condition, consider the alternative treatment strategies above. Of course, consult your doctor so they can help you decide the best option that’ll go with your medication.

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