5 Ways to Keep a Struggling Business Afloat

Many businesses go through rough periods. When your business is struggling financially, you need to have a plan in place to turn the business around. The five tips below can help put your business back on track and back on the path toward business success.

Evaluate and Revise the Business Plan

Image via Flickr by Informedmag

When you first began your business, you probably created a business plan. Whether the business plan was to obtain financing, gain a partnership, or advance your own business goals, that plan outlined the business objectives, processes, and profit expectations.

If your business is now struggling, you need to revise certain elements of your initial business plan. Turning around a business requires a solid business plan. Additionally, a revised business plan may be required to obtain additional funding, especially if you are pursuing funding from investors.

Keep a Positive Cash Flow

Businesses that are struggling need to improve their cash flow. You can find many ways to improve cash flow including revising payment requirements, increasing the convenience of payment to customers, and evaluating inventory pricing. The bottom line is that cash flow is more important than ever to a struggling business. Funds can help keep a business from going under, and without a positive cash flow, your business cannot meet this requirement.

Find the Largest Problem

While multiple problems could possibly be contributing to your business struggles, finding the largest one is important. Dealing with this low-hanging fruit can produce the fastest results. Evaluate each department of the business including operations, finances, purchasing, training, and human resources. Communicating with both employees and customers can give you a better idea of where the largest problem lies.

Meet With Vendors

Image via Flickr by Wonderlane

Word spreads fast when a business is struggling. Vendors may begin to worry that they will no longer receive payment.

Since your business supplies are crucial to not only your business success but also to successfully turning around your business, you need to communicate openly with your vendors. Set up a meeting and inform vendors of the steps you are taking to correct the business’s mistakes. It can be helpful to create a prepared statement to respond to your business vendors.

Use Rentals to Accept New Jobs

You generally need money to make money. When your business is already on a downward spiral, accepting new clients, especially when you require expensive tools or machinery to complete a job, can be difficult. Renting large construction or warehouse equipment can prevent you from having to turn away new jobs because of a lack of equipment. Renting also allows you to keep more cash in your pocket.

Cash is king, and having more of it can make a business turnaround easier. Equipment rental rates are affordable, and equipment can be rented by the day, week, or month, giving you plenty of financial options.

Owning a business takes work. You are likely to have both business successes and business struggles. If your business is currently struggling, the tips above can help you stay afloat until you can successfully turn your business around.

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