Whether as a side project to get some extra funds or as your main income source, blogging certainly has a place in your business life. There’s no better time to start than the new decade.
Originating from the terms ‘web and ‘log’, blogs have evolved since the 90’s. Previously, they consisted of purely personal content, though nowadays a large portion of blogs serve to aid business. This technique has been very effective, too. Plenty of figures and stats prove a regularly scheduled blog will increase site visitors and sway consumers to be more likely to purchase from their favorite authors.
It’ll take work to get your blog in order, unless you’re a wiz with words, but there’s an array of help out there. For instance, visit chriscantell.com for articles on how to succeed in blogging.
Now, let’s take a look at some more reasons why blogging should be your next business venture in 2020.
Expand your networkÂ
We’ve all heard the phrase “It’s all about who you know”, and there’s a lot of truth in this. The right connections build the best bridges. Blogging can help make those connections for you.
It is encouraged to write a blog tailored to a certain topic to help build an audience, and once you’ve built it, your connections will come. Any successful blog with a dedicated following will garner interest from like-minded businesses or individuals. If you are able to capitalize on this interest then there is a big chance you’ll open up another audience, and by doing so another business market.
Build your resume
Content output is undoubtedly going to spike in the next decade, and you should be a part of it. Building an online portfolio that is both accessible and relevant to potential employers could be massive for your work life.
Regularly posting quality content through a blog can assist you in your next media job post as it showcases your ability to remain dedicated as well as your ability to constantly create content. These are desirable traits that open lots of doors for entrepreneurs.
Also, write about what you know. Not only will this help you avoid making factual mistakes in your blog, but it will also make your readers know they are in capable hands when it comes to the subject you are writing about. This will thus make them more likely to do business with you.
Create the platform for your products
Perhaps you are interested in more another way for customers to find your products and purchase them. Blogs are a great way to bring attention to your goods on your e-commerce store.
Building a blog and a loyal fanbase of readers brings eyes to your goods. For example if you were selling niche kitchen utensils, tailoring your blog to include relevant recipes would give you the chance to market your products. Therefore, it is likely you’ll see a surge in purchases.
We can’t always bank on bigger platforms giving us the right amount of air time to help us, so building the platform yourself gives you the ultimate control of your business’ destiny.
Bottom Line
These are just a few reasons that we encourage you to venture into blogs come the new decade. It won’t be easy, and you’ll probably have many posts that flop and you might be discouraged. But when it comes to business, especially your own, it is the effort you put in that determines the success you get out. Keep posting and building your brand – you’ll see results with hard work!