While Other Employees Disengage, These Hourly Wage Earners Are Becoming Rich

Dr. Corey Rosen, PH.D., the founder and senior staff member of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), a nonprofit organization that’s the nation’s primary source of information on employee ownership joins Enterprise Radio. He’s the co-author of Equity: Why Employee Ownership Is Good for Business and the new book Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is on association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Dr. Corey Rosen discuss the following:

  1. How does employee ownership work, and what needs to be done to expand it?
  2. What’s wrong with the system we have now, which allows the rich to grow richer while everyone else struggles to make ends meet?
  3. What are 3 reasons why employee-owned operations significantly outperform their conventionally owned counterparts?
  4. What are some Case studies that will “wow” employees and business leaders alike—from employee-owned Publix Super Markets to Proctor & Gamble’s 130-year-old employee stock ownership plan—and make CEOs, politicians, employees, and activists take notice.

COREY ROSEN, PH.D., is the founder and senior staff member of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), a nonprofit organization that’s the nation’s primary source of information on employee ownership. One of the world’s leading experts on the subject, he’s worked with government leaders, business owners, employee groups, and academic leaders worldwide and serves on seven ESOP company boards. JOHN CASE is a veteran observer and analyst of the business world and a nationally known writer on business and economics. He’s the author or co-author of six books and a collaborator on many others, including the international bestseller Financial Intelligence (Harvard Business Review Press; 2013). His work has been featured in Inc., Harvard Business Review, and The New Republic, and he’s served as a consulting writer for leading organizations including Bain & Company, Southwest Airlines, and the Business Literacy Institute. Their new book is: Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What (Berrett-Koehler Publishers; September 13, 2022).

Website: https://www.nceo.org

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