Trends can come and go, especially in labelling design, but there are some elements that are worth noting, if only because they have actually been around for a long time but have only been tweaked or modified in a certain way to hold with the changing times. Take bold and bright colours, for instance – colours like these have proven effective for decades, but today, they are taking a spot in the limelight once again with an emphasis on contrast and more organic designs as well. Of course, there are other trends which may not last as well as the use of colours, but if you have a trendy product and would like it to get noticed by today’s customers, then you can certainly take advantage of some particular trends. The following is what you should know about the top trends in product labelling today.
The ‘narrative illustration’ appeal
Every design and label will have a story behind it, and it’s up to you to showcase what this story is so your audience will feel more connected to your product. People love to hear about stories, and they can have a better emotional bond with your product if you can incorporate a kind of ‘story’ into your labelling design. One way through which you can incorporate a story into the design of your label is through ‘narrative illustration’. This is where you can show the audience a narrative about your product – its history, its story – through various illustrations. A well-made illustration can impart a very strong message about your product, and with the best narrative, you can even transport your customers into ‘your world’.
The popularity of the die-cutting style
Another great trend that is being seen on more product labels today is the die-cutting style. When you have traditional or standard packaging for your product, the content of the product is often hidden. But designers nowadays are in the mood to try die cuts in different ways when they are creating a product label. The die cut advantage is enhanced trust in the product, and you can make use of die cutting to create a beautiful, appealing pattern, reinvent your logo, and more. If you make use of die cutting, you can showcase a more interesting side to your product as well.
Why vintage will never go away
As a style, the vintage look has always been popular, but it is getting more attention today since its appeal has evolved with the times. Vintage is one of the ever-popular trends you should watch out for, and this timeless classic can make your customers feel nostalgic and remember their childhoods and particularly good memories. But when it comes to the vintage style, there is such a thing as using it too much – remember that balance is critical as well, as recommended by the makers and providers of advanced labelling systems like Atwell Labellers.
Show social consciousness with ecologically friendly designs and packaging
Ecologically friendly designs have been around for years, but today, they have become even more popular, with increasing awareness of natural products, sustainable wares, and biodegradable products. If you want to exude a socially responsible aura as a company and brand, you can go with ‘green’ packaging and labelling, which is certain to attract even more customers to what you are selling.
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