What Factors Separate a Kick-SaaS Content Marketing Strategy from a Ho-Hum Approach?

The reasons to create a killer SaaS content marketing strategy are gripping. Content marketing is cost-effective, and it produces a higher ROI than traditional means of marketing.

Companies that create practical and outstanding content marketing strategies experience a 30% growth increase and about 5-10 higher retention rate than companies that work with a ho-hum content marketing strategy. 

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SaaS content marketing is highly beneficial to your business and not just any kind of strategy, a highly effective one. If you are wondering how to create a fantastic SaaS content marketing strategy that drives sales, generates high revenue, and retains your customers, you are reading the right guide.

This article will reveal the top key factors that differentiate a kick-SaaS content marketing strategy from a boring and generic one.

If you already have a SaaS content marketing strategy, stick around to know the tips and strategies to incorporate in your existing SaaS content marketing strategy. 

Also, if you are yet to create a SaaS marketing strategy, you are in the right place because this article will teach you how to set up a working content marketing strategy for your SaaS business. 

Read on to get all the juicy details. 

What differentiates a SaaS content marketing strategy from other types of content marketing strategies 

Running a SaaS content marketing strategy is not the same as running other content marketing strategies, even if they all involve creating content. 

Content creation is the fundamental line similarity that exists between a SaaS content marketing strategy and other content marketing types. The goals, processes, and strategies are different ball games. 

While traditional content marketing relies majorly on creating content to attract customers for sale, SaaS content marketing strategy goes beyond attracting customers to hook them down after a sale with valuable content. 

Why? Because SaaS content marketing strives on customer retention.  A SaaS business’s goal is not a one-off purchase; its goal is to turn its readers into regular subscribers. 

This purpose is the basis of every effective SaaS content marketing strategy. So, every action taken is channeled towards this goal and for this purpose. 

Your SaaS business needs a content marketing strategy that works not just to drive sales but to drive recurring customers to your business and reduce churn rate. 

To be able to do so you need to have some engaging and interesting content which will make sure that your potential users are going to pay for the membership in the future as well. Content is a very powerful tool and makes up a huge part of every successful marketing campaign. So in order to have a powerful marketing plan for your software company you will need to pay a lot of attention to the content you are going to provide.

What can go wrong with a ho-hum SaaS content marketing strategy? 

If you plan to operate with a content marketing strategy for your SaaS business, then you need to create a strategy that really works and is inline with your business niche. 

This is because creating a ho-hum content marketing strategy could cost you more than you think. Let’s take a look at some of the many things that can go wrong when you create a ho-hum SaaS content marketing strategy for your business. 

  • Low readership, low engagement, low sales 

Content marketing is the bedrock to customer attraction and retention for your SaaS business. So, if your content marketing strategy is genetic and boring, no one will care to read it.  This means low engagement. What happens when no one engages with your product? Well, you know the story. 

  • You can’t measure what you have no control over

An ineffective content marketing strategy is not clearly defined, nor does it have a sense of direction. When your SaaS business operates with this kind of strategy, it would be impossible to track results. 

Because you don’t know where your content marketing effort is headed, you won’t know if you are going in the right direction or if you should take another route. This leads to wasted time and effort and brings little to no results for your business. 

Top attributes of a killer SaaS content marketing strategy 

What exactly makes a SaaS content marketing strategy unique, effective, and outstanding? And how do you create one? Keep reading to find the necessary techniques your SaaS content marketing strategy must have to produce the best results for your SaaS business.

  • A good SaaS content marketing strategy clearly defines your WHY 

This is a crucial factor to consider when creating your SaaS content marketing strategy. 

This is essential because it would be the guide that would take you on the rest of your content marketing strategy. 

Don’t just hop on a content marketing strategy because it’s trending in the SaaS industry. You need to know why you are setting out and if it’s the next action you should take for your SaaS business. 

But how do you know? Examine your target audience; who are they?  What are their pain points? And how can your content come through for them?

Do you offer a SaaS product that comes with lots of processes and is complex to use? How do you plan to create content to educate your audience on how to use your product?

Answering all these questions is crucial to the success of your SaaS content strategy. And they should be clearly documented in your SaaS content marketing strategy to generate the best results. 

  • An excellent SaaS content marketing strategy clearly defines your goals and KPIs

A good SaaS content marketing strategy defines your goals. Clearly, your ultimate goal is to generate more sales and have a recurring user base.  That’s the big goal; you need to break it down into bits and set up smaller goals you need to take to get to that big goal.

Goals are unique to every SaaS business, so they vary. For example, if your goal is to increase your SEO rankings on Google, then you need to strategize on how to do so in your content marketing strategy. 

Also, the KPI metrics to measure your content marketing efforts depend on your goals. If your goal is to increase your SEO rankings, then possible metrics to use would range from your ranking for keywords to backlinks to website traffic and so on. 

An effective SaaS content marketing strategy should outline your content marketing goals and devise the appropriate KPIs to employ to measure your content marketing efforts. 

This way, your content marketing strategy is headed in a clear-cut, definite direction, and you have tools and techniques to measure if you are still on track. 

  • A good SaaS content marketing includes a lead generation strategy 

A lead generation strategy is crucial to attract new users and convert them to customers. It is therefore important to strategize on how you will acquire a consistent flow of leads and turn them into regular loyal users. 

Email marketing has proven to be an effective lead generation tool for businesses. It helps to promote your product in a personalized way, nurture your readers to fans and convert them to loyal customers. 

Your SaaS content marketing strategy should involve generating an email list and engaging your subscribers with valuable content consistently. 

One way to keep your email consistent is to create an email sequence. Email sequences are emails sent automatically based on a segmented set of your email list. 

You can create content to educate your new users about your product. You can also keep both your new trial users and existing users informed about your promotional offers and keep them engaged with helpful, valuable content. 

  • A good SaaS content marketing strategy includes a social media promotional strategy

It’s not enough to create content, you need to promote your content to reach a wider audience, and social media helps you achieve this in several ways.

You can promote your content across several social media platforms through paid advertising to gain a wider, targeted reach. This will help increase your brand visibility by getting your brand in the eyes of many people. 

Social media platforms are effective platforms to create a community and generate an active fan base. You can create forums, groups, and communities across social media platforms to provide helpful content for prospective users and generate engagement. 

  • Harness the power of video marketing 

Video marketing helps create visually appealing and engaging content to capture and sustain your audience’s attention on social media. 

Video content marketing is crucial, not just for social media but for every platform you put your content on as a SaaS business. 

This is because videos are better at breaking complex information into digestible bits. They are also effective at creating tutorials for your audience on how to use your products. 

This helps generate high engagement, increases your shares, and helps improve your content marketing results exponentially. 

  • A good SaaS content marketing strategy includes an SEO strategy 

SEO plays an influential role in making your SaaS content marketing strategy effective. It is what places your product and brand in the eyes of your target customers when they visit the web. 

It is also what guarantees that people are actually consuming the content you create. However, SEO doesn’t just happen; you need to optimize your SEO for it to work for your SaaS business. 

To do this, ensure you are producing content that answers your audience’s questions based on the keywords they input on Google and build powerful backlinks to your SaaS website.


A kick-SaaS content marketing strategy is a result of consistent processes. The results don’t come overnight, but when they come, they are astounding. Also, because SaaS businesses deeply rely on recurring customers for growth, it is crucial to build an effective long-term strategy that works using the tips discussed in this article. Good luck! 

Lydia Iseh is a writer with years of experience in writing SEO content that provides value to the reader. As someone who believes in the power of SEO to transform businesses, she enjoys being part of the process that helps websites rank high on search engines.

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