What Do Good Leaders Do To Improve Employee Performance?

It’s been proven that happy employees make for a more productive workforce. With the recent pandemic, there are many that could do with a boost in morale, especially as they have had to adapt in ways we never would have considered before. Don’t forget, your employees are your business’s most valuable asset and as such you need to take care of them. So if you’re in charge of several employees, it may be time you look at ways you could improve their performance.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Lead by Example

You have to exhibit the behavior you want to see in your staff. Let them see you opening doors for visitors, picking up a bit of rubbish you see on the floor, rather than walk past it. Additionally, if you see something that needs to be done in the workplace, and you can do it, do it. One good way to take control of your workplace is to take a daily walk around your business, perhaps a different department a day, and stop to talk to employees. If someone is doing something that interests you, stop and talk to them about it. Also, if an employee needs help with something, help them. If staff see you as willing to help and are open to doing so, they’ll respect you for it. 

Also, smile and chat to staff. We’re not talking about becoming their new BFF, but operating an open-door policy will be more believable if you’re friendly. There’s a fine line between being a boss and friend, which you’ll learn to manage with the more interest you take in your staff. 

Reward Above and Beyond

Have a regular reward system for staff that goes that extra mile in their role. This will motivate staff because they’ll feel valued, especially when they’ve gone above and beyond their role for the good of your business. Alternatively, a support staff that requires help in developing their position, and work with them to make goals manageable for them. By working with your employees and developing action plans to help them progress, it will give them something to work towards, a purpose for them to keep on doing what they’re doing. 

Perhaps an annual event to thank all your staff for their help in getting your business through another year is a great way to get everyone together, outside of work. Even having one Friday afternoon when everyone downs tools for tea/coffee and cake, will give your employees something to look forward to and is a great way to boost staff morale. 

Keep Communicating

It’s easy for you to delegate the communicating of messages to supervisors or line managers, but there are times when staff will naturally want to hear from you, as their leader, to provide assurances or respond to questions they specifically want you to answer. It’s during situations like this that you realize being a manager is not the same as being a leader, and good leadership will require you to manage your employee’s expectations. Without leadership communication, employees will not feel valued. 

Any major changes or important news should come from you – it’s your company, so it makes sense. Your employees will appreciate you taking the time to talk to them and answer queries. Furthermore, your line managers will appreciate not having to go back and forth, if they have to ask things on behalf of your employees. But it also gives you the chance to find out what your employees think. These are the people with the first-hand experience in the areas that they work, so their input could be vital.

Organize Career Progression Paths

If staff are happy where they work, they’re less likely to look for another job. Part of this involves knowing that they have an opportunity to grow, rather than stagnate. Your responsibility in this is to nurture and invest in them so that they can achieve their career aspirations, whilst at the same time helping your business development as well. Work with your employees to prepare plans that will develop skills and prepare them for higher positions in your company. Perhaps even allow them to shadow people in different positions to give them the opportunity to find out if they’d like to train in a different career. 

As you get to know your workforce, you’ll begin to understand what they need to keep their productivity levels high. It often usually starts and ends with job satisfaction, which covers a wide ground. The more you do that’s genuinely in the best interests of your employees, the more they’ll appreciate it. This will show how they approach their duties and what they feel about their place of work. Good staff morale will often lead to loyal employees, low staff turnover, and a business where they’re proud to work.

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