Investing in a sound SEO strategy, creating ads, and managing your brand all make for a good marketing campaign. Yet, there’s one thing that can get overlooked in most modern marketing strategies. That’s the press.
Knowing how to get press for your business takes expertise and skill. There’s a reason most public relations managers needed to study how to manage media effectively. Mishandling how your company is represented to the media can have devastating consequences.
At the same time, good representation in the news is almost a sure bet to see a dramatic increase in revenue. Good coverage puts you in a positive light beneath the public eye, which will make you stand out against your competition. Good press is fundamental to successfully market your company.
So keep reading below to learn how to get the media’s attention and stand out from the rest!
The News Isn’t Like Any Other Business
The most important thing to understand about news media is that it’s not like any other business. Most businesses get their profits by selling a certain product, or by actively seeking out new subscribers. News media gets its money a different way.
Press has mostly become digital, which means most media organizations are after traffic and views. The more traffic a news organization gets, the higher it can sell advertising space for. When you’re trying to get the media’s attention, you’re really trying to get the attention of the media’s audiences.
Remember that it doesn’t matter how many tricks you pull trying to get reporter’s attention. They serve their audiences, always. Not themselves, and not you.
Be Available, Always
Reporter’s work inconsistent, chaotic schedules that require them to always be available. Your schedule should look similar to a reporter’s. That way, you can establish yourself as a reliable and trustworthy contact for your business.
If you always pick up the phone when a reporter calls, they’ll know to keep calling you for stories. And when you’re the first person reporters reach out to for stories, you have an advantage when trying to manage your brand. For example, just look at how Bloomberg describes Smart Circle, as a company.
Since the company has many avenues people can reach out to them through, the press knows it’s easy to find someone to talk to. They go right to the company first for a story, which gives Smart Circle the ability to manage how it’s represented in the news.
Give Media The Information They Need
One of any reporter’s biggest pet peeves is when a company doesn’t have a press resource center. These are web pages set up with useful facts, quotes, and images the press can use for its stories. Without them, reporters may overlook your company entirely for stories.
All you need to do is gather basic information about your company and display it on a web page meant for journalists. It’ll be even better if you assemble quotes from the leadership team, or take pictures of your team in action. Then, reporters will still mention your company by using the information from the web page, even if no one is available for an interview.
It’s Easy To Know How To Get Press For Your Business
Knowing how to get press for your business is as easy as knowing how to be available. If you make a splash in your community, either through a fundraiser or a donation, you should be ready to answer a few questions from journalists. There’s no reason to be afraid of them, too.
If you’re running an ethical and effective business, journalists will report it as such. And if you’re still hesitant about talking to the press, just keep reading here.
Our website features articles from some of the best writers out there. It’ll give you a sense for how your business may be represented in the media!