Using Podcasts To Grow Interest In Your Law Firm

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Of the many content marketing solutions available to business owners, audio is often the most underrated. But, considering how popular podcasts are, this sentiment might be changing. The Edison Research Institute conducted an Infinite Dial Study in 2018 which showed that 73 million Americans tune into podcasts every month. 

The appeal of podcasts comes from the fact that they’re super convenient. All you have to do is put in some earbuds and select your favorite podcast to listen to on your commute to work, or while you’re pumping weights at the gym. It’s the easiest way to consume content whether it be for the purposes of entertainment, education or both.  

This makes podcasts a great way for businesses like law firms to share information with a segment of the population that prefers audio content to written copy or videos. 

But, as with anything, a successful podcast requires a clear strategy. Here are some tips on how to create a successful podcast for your law firm. 

  • Goals 

Don’t just start a podcast because everyone else is doing it. Find a purpose for your podcast that goes beyond just keeping up with your competitors. 

Of course, the main purpose of creating a podcast is to market your law firm. But, you must identify the right approach to do so and make it your goal.

For instance, the goal of your podcast could be to educate your listeners or to show your abilities by taking questions from listeners and solving real issues by way of example. Another goal would be to establish your firm as a thought leader.

Once you know what your goal is, it becomes easier to come up with topics for each episode, while selecting the right guests for each show. 

  • Know your audience

One of the first mistakes that podcast hosts make is to try and create a show for everyone. The paradox is that if you try to speak to everyone, you probably won’t reach anyone.  

Instead, narrow down your options by determining who your target audience is. Who would your podcast benefit the most? 

For instance, you might want to focus on a specific practice area, such as the Steinepreis Paganin commercial law firm which specializes in commercial law. This makes it easier to attract an audience that is affected by that particular topic.  Alternatively, you can make your podcast trend-driven so that it focuses on trending topics and viewers who’re interested in them. 

  • Be consistent

A podcast is one of those things that you really need to commit to even if growth is slow in the beginning. Once you decide on the length and frequency of your episodes, you need to stick to that schedule.

Maintain a show structure that is consistent with your goals so listeners know what to expect with each episode. You should also pick one show host to maintain continuity. 

  • Engage your audience

Law firms create podcasts all the time. So, how can you set yourself apart? One way to stand out is by selecting a host with a voice for radio. This can go a long way to help differentiate your law firm podcast.

It’s also important for the host to take on a conversational tone and engage listeners to draw them in. Remember that most people tune into podcasts for what is known as edutainment, which is a combination of education and entertainment. 

There should be an upbeat tone and entertaining element to the show as that’ll help to keep people interested. While cracking a few jokes here and there is fine, you should also keep things professional. 

  • Promote your podcast

Make sure your podcast reaches the right people by promoting it properly. Choose a podcast hosting service that supports all the major operating systems and platforms like Stitcher and iTunes.

Once you start posting episodes, be sure to promote each one through email newsletters and social media posts. 

To wrap up

The idea of starting a podcast for your law firm can seem daunting at first, and maybe even a bit out of character for an organization with a buttoned-up culture as a law firm. But, we live in a time where advertising in newspapers and radio stations no longer cuts it. 

A podcast is an excellent tool to add to your digital marketing strategy and can help to boost your profile and establish authority in a particular specialty. Consider listening to existing law firm podcasts in your area to get an idea of how you should execute this idea. 

Don’t forget to write down your podcast strategy, choose an enigmatic host, and plan things like episode topics and guests in advance. 

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