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Understanding Internet & Gaming Addiction: A Guide for Concerned Parents

The internet has become an inextricable part of our lives, and while it has brought about many benefits, it also comes with potential dangers. One of the most concerning issues for parents today is internet and gaming addiction amongst their children. Many parents find it difficult to gauge where the line is between healthy and excessive internet use for their kids. 

Addiction to these activities can wreak havoc on their children’s lives, affecting their social skills, academic performance, and mental health. As a result, parents are on the lookout for ways to proactively prevent and deal with internet and gaming addiction before it becomes a problem.

In this guide, we aim to provide parents with an overview of internet and gaming addiction, and offer some tips on what they can do to help their children. For parents who consider the problem to already be quite severe, it might be worth considering counselling in Sydney as a solution.

Source: Unsplash

What is Internet & Gaming Addiction?

Internet and gaming addiction is a newly recognised type of addiction classified as internet gaming disorder in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). It’s characterised by persistent, excessive gaming behaviour that can result in harm to the individual’s ability to function in various life domains, including academic, social, and occupational.

The disorder typically involves excessive gaming or internet use, resulting in a loss of control over behaviour, significant impairment in daily life, and withdrawal symptoms like irritability and restlessness when the behaviour is not engaged in.

What Causes Internet & Gaming Addiction?

The causes of internet and gaming addiction are still being studied, but some factors have been found to increase the risk of addiction. These factors include personality traits like impulsivity and sensation-seeking, psychological problems like anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, as well as environmental factors like family discord and stress. Also, online gaming has been found to be significantly more addictive than other types of internet use, particularly amongst adolescents.

What are the Tell-Tale Signs of Internet & Gaming Addiction?

It can be challenging to tell if your child is addicted to the internet or gaming, but some signs and symptoms can signal that they have a problem. These signs include excessive time spent on the internet or gaming, withdrawal from social activities or relationships, poor academic performance, and neglect of daily hygiene and self-care.

Additionally, withdrawal symptoms like irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and depression after prolonged periods of gaming or internet use are also signs of addiction.

What Can Parents Do to Support Their Children?

Parents have an essential role to play in preventing and dealing with internet and gaming addiction amongst their children. The following are some tips that parents can use to help their children:

  1. Establish rules and boundaries around screen time, and enforce them consistently
  2. Encourage other social and recreational activities to promote a balance of interests
  3. Set a good example by limiting their own screen time
  4. Monitor their child’s internet use and check in regularly
  5. Have open and honest conversations with their children about the risks and dangers of excessive gaming and internet use, and encourage them to ask for help if they need it

Is Your Child Experiencing Gaming & Online Addiction?

While technology has brought many benefits, we must recognise and prevent the inherent risks of excessive and addictive internet and gaming use. As parents, we must be vigilant, provide guidance and support to our children, and seek professional help if necessary. With consistent effort, communication, and collaboration, you can help your children develop healthy habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.

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