Tips for Entrepreneurs: How to Get Ahead in Business

The coronavirus is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. Business trips have been cancelled. Networking events are no more. Business owners all over the world shut their doors with the uncertainty of having a re-opening date. It’s a difficult time for entrepreneurs who are just starting out in business so, in this article, we’re going to explore some of the ways you can get ahead and make the most of your time at home during this pandemic. 

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Lower Your Monthly Expenses

You most likely have very little cash coming in right now so it’s important to do your best to put your business in the best position possible when things begin to re-open. Now is the perfect time to look at your personal expenses and see if there’s a way to reduce the monthly out-goings. Is student loan consolidation an option for you? This will allow you to consolidate your existing student loans into a new loan with a private lender, leading to one repayment and possibly lower interest rates too. Do you really make use of your Netflix subscription or could you cancel it? Are there ways you can reduce your grocery shopping bill by buying items in bulk when they are on sale? These are all ways to lower your monthly expenses and put yourself in a better financial position. 

Don’t Work Hard, Work Smart

So, what does this mean – to not work hard? No, that’s not what it means. What this concept entails is maximizing the hours you do work by updating tasks that can be automated and outsourcing the tasks that you’re not good at. Not only will you make the most of your day by doing so, but you’ll also have the headspace to focus on the things that matter most within your company. 

Expand Your Skills

Is there a particularly important skillset that you could improve? Whether it’s communication, time management, leadership or networking, now is the time to grow and refine the skills that will allow you to become successful. 


Network during a pandemic? It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do but social media makes it totally possible. Reach out to those within your network on LinkedIn to see how they’re doing. Sign up to online networking events and do your best to talk to as many people as possible. Produce content for your social media channels and be sure to respond to everyone that leaves a comment.  

Keep Up with The Conversation

Look at what’s trending in your market and join the conversation. Follow hashtags on LinkedIn and Twitter and give your own opinion on matters that are being talked about. Being active in this way will build your brand and improve your communication skills. 

Help Someone Who Is Struggling

If you have the opportunity to give back, take full advantage of it, especially if it aligns with your business and skills. Doing so might pave the way to a big opportunity down the road and, even if it doesn’t, helping someone who is struggling can have a major positive impact on your own life.

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