The Art of Home-Grown Marijuana: A Beginner’s Guide

Cannabis may be a hardy and resilient plant, but that doesn’t mean growers can just toss the seeds in the ground and wait. Getting high-quality buds requires putting in a little work. Read on to find out about the basics of what it takes to grow marijuana at home.

Getting the Right Seeds

The best place to start for those who want to grow marijuana at home is with seed selection. Many aspiring home growers believe they can just save some seeds from an accidentally germinated plant or get them from friends and wind up with a good crop. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Cannabis seeds will only grow true-to-type if purchased from a reputable breeder.

Now is also the time to choose the right strains. Outdoor growers have to pay more attention to things like sun requirements, season length, and susceptibility to pests and diseases. Indoor growers have a greater range of options but may need to choose strains that require less room to grow.

Source: Unsplash

Setting Up a Grow Space

Whether home marijuana cultivators plan to start an outdoor garden or an indoor grow room, it takes some work to get everything set up. The conditions in outdoor cannabis gardens can’t be tightly controlled, but growers can at least amend their soil to make sure it has all the right nutrients, set up a watering system, and put up a fence to keep out prying eyes.

Indoor growers have much more control over the environment. They can choose from different growing media, alter light cycles according to the stage by using grow lights, control temperature and humidity carefully, eliminate pests, and more. Here’s what marijuana plants need to thrive indoors:

Lights that can be set to an 18/6 light-to-dark ratio during the vegetative stage and a 12/12 cycle during flowering.

A high-quality soil mix that will maintain moisture and nutrients but drain well enough to avoid waterlogging the roots.

A relatively steady temperature of 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Relative humidity levels of 40-70%.

Optimal air quality.

Getting everything set up in advance will help growers avoid trouble as the season progresses. Make sure the room is adequately ventilated by installing intake and exhaust fans and don’t forget to include a carbon filter to prevent unwanted odors if nosy neighbors are a concern, leave plenty of space between plants, and consider purchasing grow lights that can be set to timers.

Caring for Plants Throughout the Season

Most cannabis growers purchase fertilizer or liquid nutrients in advance to ensure that they’ll have an adequate supply as the season progresses. Buy from a reputable brand, and consider using organic products. They can be more expensive, but the extra investment is worth it to harvest a high-quality crop that’s guaranteed safe for consumption.

Growers will also need to pay attention to basics like making sure their plants get sufficient water and keeping pests at bay, especially if they have outdoor gardens. Indoor-grown plants also need to be switched over manually from an 18/6 to a 12/12 light cycle when it’s time to induce flowering.

Harvesting Healthy Buds

The length of time it takes to grow cannabis plants to maturity will vary depending on the strain, the growing conditions, and more. To time the harvest right, wait until the buds are large and dense, then check the color of the hairs. When at least 70% of them have darkened from white to purple, orange, or brown, it’s time to take down the buds and dry them for safe use or storage.

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