Flowers aren’t only beautiful-looking and sweet-smelling. They also, perhaps surprisingly, have various health benefits. This is why there are many who order flowers on a regular basis like those that have a flower subscription calgary.
Here are six you should know about.
Nasturtiums Have Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties
When you get an LA flower delivery, you’re probably after a lovely bouquet to give as a gift or to brighten up your home. But several varieties of flowers are also edible.
One flower that is safe to eat is the nasturtium. Not only are its bright orange, yellow, or red blooms safe to eat. They also offer health benefits.
The leaves and flowers of the nasturtium contain many minerals as well as compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They taste great in salads, too.
Purslanes Have a High Omega-3 Content
Another edible flower is the purslane. While the plant itself is often regarded as no more than a weed, in recent times it has soared in popularity because of its rich nutrients.
In fact, the purslane is crammed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
But the best health benefit of the purslane is it provides an excellent source of omega-3 fat; and omega-3 fatty acids help to build and maintain a healthy body in various ways.
For instance, omega-3 can lower elevated triglyceride levels, which lessens the risk of heart disease, and some research suggests omega-3 can protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
Lavender Can Help You Sleep
If you have trouble sleeping, put some lavender in your bedroom.
The scent of lavender has been proven to lower heart rates and blood pressure, so it can help you to relax and drift off.
While lavender isn’t an actual cure for insomnia, it can certainly help you to experience calmness.
The scent of lavender can also be beneficial to people who suffer from anxiety.
Rosemary Could Improve Your Memory
As people get older, they need to actively keep their brain functioning well by doing things like crossword puzzles. When cognitive functions are continually used, memory tends to be better.
One way of potentially improving your memory, no matter what age you are, is to surround yourself with the scent of rosemary.
In a 2015 study, participants went into one of three rooms. One smelt of rosemary, one smelt of lavender, and the other had no specific scent. Participants had to look at various objects in the room and later remember them. Those in the rosemary-scented room by far outperformed the other participants.
All Types of Flowers Can Help to Improve Mood
Flowers are beautiful. They are colorful, fresh, and smell incredible. So, it’s no wonder that flowers have been scientifically proven to improve mood.
That’s good news for sufferers of depression and other mental health issues, as well as recovering patients and anyone who simply gets down in the dumps due to life’s everyday problems.
Flowers can have a positive impact on your mood. So, surround yourself with your favorite flowers regularly instead of waiting to receive them as a gift.
Flowers Can Help You Recover Quicker from the Common Cold
While there’s no cure for the common cold, flowers can aid in reducing cold symptoms.
It’s the lack of humidity that breeds infection in the wintertime. When flowers are in a room, they add moisture to the air. In turn, that helps with dry throats, dry coughs, and dry skin.
Even if flowers don’t prevent you from getting the common cold, they can help to shorten the effects of the cold.