Should You Purchase a Refuse Vehicle New or Second-Hand?

Acquiring a refuse vehicle for your business can be incredibly similar to purchasing any other type of vehicle. You need to make sure that it is going to be in the best working condition possible so you are able to complete any task without worrying about it failing. You can choose to purchase brand-new, or you could opt for second-hand.

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Why Buy Brand-New?

Obviously, there are several advantages to buying brand-new over second-hand. First and foremost, you should be getting a vehicle with few to no faults. If it is coming straight off the production line, it should be ready to be put to work immediately.

You can either buy from the manufacturers directly, or you could have a look at the refuse vehicles for sale from one of the many third-party sellers out there. If you do decide to go with the latter option, make sure that you are purchasing from an affiliated seller, as this means that you are more likely to get a high-quality of vehicle.

When purchasing brand-new, you also get the chance to buy the latest model. The automotive industry is constantly coming up with new tools to make handling vehicles of this size much easier to manage, and investing in a truck with the latest mod-cons might be the best move for your company.

Why Buy Second-Hand?

One of the primary reasons to buy second-hand is due to the cost factor. There is no denying that a second-hand truck will come in at a fraction of the price of a brand-new one, especially if you are buying a much older model. However, they can still offer you a fantastic deal, and might have been expertly maintained over the years.

It is your responsibility to fully test an older model like this if you are thinking about purchasing one, else you may have to buy a fair few car spares with it. You need to ensure that it is still safe for you to use, and that it is going to be able to still deliver an efficient work time.

Pay close attention to factors like vehicle mileage, and have the hydraulics and other important areas independently assessed if possible. A second-hand refuse vehicle is still going to represent a hefty investment on your part, even if it is cheaper than buying brand-new, and you want to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth.

New or Second-Hand?

At the end of the day, choosing between purchasing a second-hand or brand-new refuse vehicle is going to come down to your needs as a company. There are advantages and disadvantages to both paths. The most important thing you can do is actually consider what you need for your business, and ensure that you find this in a high-quality vehicle. Sometimes, this might be one straight from the production line, and sometimes it might be from one that has already seen many years of service. Just make sure that you are investing your money in an excellent piece of machinery.

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