Protecting players from potentially dangerous injuries with SportsGuard


Cliff Zatz, a parent and coach, a longtime proponent of protecting players from potentially dangerous injuries with SportsGuard joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Cliff Zatz discuss the following:

  • As a coach and parent, safety is a major concern for you. Tell us how you got involved with using a product with a strong emphasis on protection: SportsGuard.
  • How would you describe the results this product offers?
  • Since safety is so important, tell our listeners why they should make this issue a priority.
  • Based on your experiences as a coach, why should protection with a product like SportsGuard be a requirement before taking the field?
  • What else should parents know about this topic, particularly when it comes to having their children play baseball and other organized sports?
  • What would you like to share with players – since you are a coach – that would get them to use SportsGuard?

Duration: 14:36

Cliff Zatz is a parent and coach, a longtime proponent of protecting players from potentially dangerous injuries. His involvement in organized sports, with an emphasis on baseball, gives him valuable insight  about the need to outfit people with the right safety equipment. Cliff’s advocacy continues to educate parents, coaches and players alike — giving everyone a chance to enjoy athletic activity without unnecessary risk.


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