It’s Your Money! Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Social Security Income

Angela Deppe a CPA, founder of and its easy-to-use Benefit Maximization Calculator, and co-author of It’s Your Money!  Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Social Security Income joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Angela Deppe discuss the following:

  • Why did you start Social Security Central?
  • Who can benefit most from your website?
  • What information and resources are found on your website?
  • Can I find this information on the Social Security Administration’s website?
  • Is Social Security going broke?
  • Why shouldn’t someone take his/her Social Security as early as possible?
  • For married couples, when should you collect?
  • What might a divorcee not know about collecting Social Security?
  • What’s your best advice for maximizing one’s Social Security benefit?

Duration: 14:03

Angela S. Deppe, CPA
Director, Social Security Central LLC

Angela began her accounting career with Arthur Andersen LLP in Chicago, focusing on tax and compensation planning.  Eventually recruited by a consulting firm, she then designed proprietary financial reporting technology solutions for clients.  For the past 15 years, Angela designed and consulted on financial, tax and compensation solutions.

It wasn’t until her own mother decided to retire and take her Social Security benefits early at age 62 (losing out on over $100k) that Angela saw the need to educate the baby boomer generation on Social Security.  Since starting, Angela developed a proprietary Social Security Benefit Maximization Calculator and co-authored It’s Your Money! Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Social Security Income.

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