Is it time for change in regulation of ESAs at the federal level?

In the last few years, airlines have been welcoming people on board and some peculiar animals. From ducks to pigs to peacocks, a number of them even made news in fighting the airline policies. 

Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

If you wonder what led to the sudden surge of unexpected animals on planes, the answer will lead you to emotional support animals. Having your pet as an emotional support animal allows you to take them on flights with you for free under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). Not only that, but you can also surpass the no-pet policies while finding accommodations as well. 

At first look, it is like a conducive policy for disabled people. And it is. For those who need help, the system is extremely beneficial. 

However, there is another side to this story.  Several establishments are struggling to deal with the demands to house pets with an ESA letter. Several lawsuits have already been filed against universities and housing facilities as they prohibited pets. 

There is a lot of confusion at the moment regarding emotional support animals and whether they can actually help with mental health. 

The role of Emotional Support Animals 

Emotional support animals are quite distinct from service animals. They are not trained to offer any assistance to their handlers. On the other hand, they provide therapeutic benefits to their owner. 

It is up to an individual to decide what their emotional support animal should be. One first needs to consult a licensed healthcare practitioner who can assess their disability and prescribe them an emotional support animal. For someone with depression or anxiety, the mere presence of the pet can help them get more comfort. Their constant companionship can help fight loneliness and keep their moods positive

However, only a few scientific literature establishes evidence-based research on the benefits of emotional support animals. Interacting with animals can cause a surge in oxytocin that can modulate stress and deal with social situations better. There are also benefits that come from exercising your animal, boosting both emotional and physical well-being. Animal therapy can help develop empathy, attention to other’s needs, and a sense of responsibility. 

The Need for a Comprehensive ESA Evaluation 

The system currently requires a licensed mental health provider to perform a thorough consultation before prescribing a person an emotional support animal. However, today a quick interest search will reveal options that do not require you to consult a doctor or get a letter only through a phone call. That is why today, it is more imperative than ever to see reviews before you get an ESA letter

If you genuinely need an emotional support animal, you need to ensure that the medical professional has all relevant information and does a thorough consultation before issuing you the letter. It will help you stay away from fraudulent services and claim the benefits with full confidence. 

Meanwhile, there is a rising demand from housing providers and airlines for clear guidelines on what is expected of them regarding the emotional support animals. In the future, we can expect that the ambiguity surrounding these animals can be addressed, and more explicit advice to be set in place.

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