The students of science of this country have a serious exam in front of them which almost everyone wants to give and not just give but also pass this exam. However, the information to help them pass has always been less or mixed that does not help them find a way. The information is either scarce or is very unorganized for them to refer to. The very purpose of the exam and the availability of the exam becomes meaningless if the students are not guided enough to start their preparation. If students come unprepared and are not well informed then the quality of this exam will eventually deteriorate to a very low level and then consequently will lose its significance. Therefore, it is quite evident that a minor lack at one part can have a huge consequence. Therefore, they must know what they are up to and what they are required to do in order to pass the exams. This will prepare them mentally and the quality of their preparation will be worthy of passing the exams. The preparation of the exam can become a piece of cake if students are well informed about the passing criteria, strategies and tips.

Students must start by collecting the study material as per the syllabus. The collection of study material is a very crucial step to pass the NEET exams. There are only certain types of books that would be beneficial and yet enough for anybody to pass NEET exams. Students should focus on the syllabus appropriate books, one such significant book that would help them pass the exam is NCERT books because it has a significant percentage of NEET related questions that comes in the exam. The very first step forms the basis of all other things that would help students pass the exam. If the study material is not appropriate and as per the requirements of NEET then a lot of hard work that the students would put in the preparation would go in vain and would cause greater distress. Therefore, study material should be collected first by keeping in mind the syllabus and second by the recommendations that are made by NEET conducting organization itself and third it should also include NCERT as one of the books used for the preparation of this particular exam. Students can refer to some sample papers here – NEET Sample Question Paper 1.
 A must thing that students should do is set end dates. These should be done to ensure timely completion of the syllabus. Students can set days that they would give to a particular chapter and then accordingly they should develop a habit to finish it completely within that set time period. This can prove to be very helpful during the exam itself because then the students would be able to set time for a section or for a particular number of questions and accordingly will be able to finish them without any difficulty or mistakes. Thus, set up the dates for each chapter.
Another important practice is to keep a check on the performance in tests. Students should keep testing themselves and their preparation. They can do it by different ways like practicing modules or previous year question papers or even sample papers. They should however, ensure that they evaluate what they are doing and redo the answers that were done wrong by them. This will help them learn the pattern of their mistakes and they would avoid such practice later while they give their exams. A considerable number of students find this very helpful as it helps them to not lose necessary marks by making unnecessary and silly mistakes. Â
Revision is a very important aspect of studies that can help students to pass NEET exams. Now, it is almost impossible to revise every word, every sentence or even every chapter before an exam. To help with this problem students can form notes. Now again to form all written notes with long sentences can be very difficult to revise. Therefore, a very helpful method can be that students form notes using diagrams and flash cards. They can use pictures to help them remember certain topics or they can form tables or use diagrams with arrows. There are many diagrams related to so many concepts available on the internet which the students can either print and paste or draw, whatever they feel is convenient. This way the entire revision will be quick and long term and would definitely help students to pass the exam. The entire revision can also be done just a few hours before the exam. Even if the students forget something then they would be easily able to remember it via picture or if they have some diagram in other questions similar to what they have studied. This is a very efficient technique/strategy.
However, all this comes back to the priorities of a student. If they decide to give this exam, this will have to be one of their priorities and they will have to treat it as one to be able to clear it. The zeal should be there. A casual attitude towards the exam will not be helpful. Every part of it should be given importance; if this step gets unreliable then no other step would ever be accomplished. Therefore, to set a priority even before taking as much as a foot ahead is very essential and crucial for every student.
Nevertheless, passing the NEET exam is not that difficult if students have decided to pass it. The entire exam is set to assess them at different levels and if all those levels are prepared then no exam will be left unclear. The student should not leave any stone unturned and should keep every foot forward with a courageous heart. The benefits of passing the exam are many and are very significant for the person who wants to clear it and who needs it. Therefore, each student should keep this in mind while giving the exam.