How to Focus on Physical and Mental Health Before the New Year

There’s no time like the new year to start thinking more about your physical and mental health. With the turn of the year, people are now considering resolutions and making vows to take better care of themselves. After a long 2020, now is the time to reassess your health and set yourself up for a new beginning with healthy changes ahead. If you’re thinking about ways to improve your mental and physical health in the new year, read on.

Eliminate aches and pains.

It’s hard to concentrate on any goal, let alone a health resolution, if you’re in pain. One way to combat pain is through organic CBD products, oils, and topical creams. Consider a topical CBD product to help with pain relief through Nicole Kidman CBD at SeraTopical. These natural products will help with minor pains in your hands, knees, elbows, and feet.

While you’re in the market for CBD products, you could also consider gummies, pills, and more, which could help you get a better night’s sleep, restore energy, and leaving you feeling better overall. With improved sleep and rest, your mental health will be better for it; leaving you fresh to tackle those new goals. Always consult your doctor before ingesting new products.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Physical Health

Shutdowns have had many adults skipping regular appointments. If this is you, think about when your last regular check-up was. Are you up to date on mammograms, pap smears, and physicals? Have you checked with a dentist near me redwood city for a routine dental checkup? If not, now’s the time to call to schedule an appointment. If you’re concerned about going out, talk to your medical professional care team to find out about options for visits with telehealth or in person. Delaying check-ups could hurt you in the long run.

Mental Health

Mental wellness is important. Not only does it impact your moods and day-to-day ability to function, but it can affect your physical health too. If you’ve been feeling stressed, sad, anxious, or even letting the winter months get to you, now might be a good time to talk to your doctor or even find a therapist or support group to help you.

If you are a parent, it’s a good time to consider your child’s mental health too. Children with ADHD, for example, have had a particularly rough go of it over the past year with shutdowns and changes in school. If your child could use the help, consider reaching out to a psychologist for ADHD child professional. Helping your kid to feel better will help you too.

Develop a wellness checklist.

As you consider ways to improve your overall mental and physical health, consider making a list of goals to help keep you accountable and on track in the new year ahead. For example, in the goals for mental health, make a note to yourself to do things like begin a gratitude journal, and find a good therapist. With physical health, it might be joining that gym or taking daily walks around the neighborhood. Consider nutrition and diet changes too.

While health habits take time to stick, and it’s easy to slip on goals, one way to plan for success is to get friends and family involved. Tell them about your goals, and see who wants to join you on those walks or trips to the gym. With a partner, you have double the chance at success. As far as mental health, ask your partner to come with you to see the therapist. Family therapy, or even couple’s sessions, can go a long way in strengthening bonds and relationships.

Planning ahead and purchasing that new set of running shoes, fit bit, or scale are all good ways to get focused now on the goals ahead. With a clear list and by enrolling the support of friends and family, you’ll be well on your way to a happier new year.

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