How To Build A Podcast Audience

Building a podcast audience can require a little time and effort and having a podcast consultant to help make your podcast a success is invaluable. To keep your listeners coming back, you need to identify your target audience and market your podcast towards it. Once you have them, you need a strategy to keep them coming back for more. With the help of podcasting tutorials we can make your podcast a fascinating one that your listeners will make sure to keep coming back to!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

So, how do we do it? Your podcast consultant will help you integrate marketing your podcast in many more ways than these, but here we share some tips.

1. Making sure your podcast is seen

Maybe it’s stating the obvious, but building a podcast audience begins with creating an interest for your podcast. Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any social media platform you are using and share it everywhere to make sure your podcast is seen by as many people as possible.

Your biggest assets are the channels you already have, where people already have an interest in your business. Link it on your website, include a link in every newsletter you send out, include the link in your bio on your social media platforms. If you really want your podcast to spread, even the small things count.

2. Creating partnerships In Podcasting

A true and tested way to get people listening to your podcast is to collaborate with partners who share the same interest as your listeners. Reach out to other podcasters and collaborate rather than viewing them as competition. Find a partner that has a decent size audience in the same niche as you and ask them to make a guest appearance on your show.

If your pitch is good enough, whoever comes to your show will share the episode they will appear on with their listeners. Each guest you invite will introduce your podcast to a whole new audience, and in time your subscribers and listening numbers will grow.

3. Using SEO

A great way to maximize your exposure is by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Write your episode descriptions as well as episode titles to include keywords your target audience are likely to search for and your podcast will be seen by even more people. Also make sure to use these keywords on all your social media platforms and your website.

4. Interacting with your audience and inviting your listeners to leave feedback

Interact with your audience. Inspire them to take action and ask them to leave reviews and comments. Get creative! You can have giveaways or run contests on your social media platforms and the prize could be to make a guest appearance on your podcast for example. The possibilities are endless!

5. Start Podcasting now

The podcasts who have been out there for a while are the ones that for example Itunes and Google favour when it comes to rankings.  By creating a podcast that is interesting for your target audience and using these tips you are sure to build an audience that keeps coming back. It doesn’t happen overnight, but in time and with outstanding podcast consulting you should begin to see those numbers increase and your podcast grow higher in the rankings.

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